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Foreign Exchange Rates How to Predict? Samuel, Omar, and Zach.

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Presentation on theme: "Foreign Exchange Rates How to Predict? Samuel, Omar, and Zach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foreign Exchange Rates How to Predict? Samuel, Omar, and Zach

2 Agenda Review Case Review FEX Rate Models Review Models Output Compare Models MSE Select Best Model Predict FEX 2002

3 Case Mr. Ritz’s Models –PPP –MAP –FER –Adhoc UK, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Korea Compare Models (sign, T-Stat, R 2, MSE) Select Model Project Spot FEX rate 2002

4 Models 1.PPP = Purchase Power Parity Model FEX = f(Inflation) = f(I) 2.MAP = Monetary Asset Approach FEX = f(Income Growth, MS Growth) FEX = f(y,m) 3.Forward Exchange Rate Model FEX = f(Interest Rate) = f(i) 4.Ad-Hoc Model FEX = f(Inflation, Income Growth, Current Account) FEX = f(I, y, CA) 5.Martingale-Random Walk FEX = f(Spot Rate Today) = f(St)

5 PPP Model Spot Rate Percentage Change (st),1978-1996 st = a + B1(Id-If) + e CurrencyaB 1R2 USD/BP (T-Stat) 0.003999 (0.5568) -0.37087 (-0.4976) 0.00338 USD/DEM (T-Stat) 0.007282 (0.8118) 0.32774 (0.3452) 0.00163 USD/MEX (T-Stat) 0.010119 (0.4485) 1.11159 (0.2395) 0.22785 USD/Yen (T-Stat) -0.19707 (-1.9617) -1.92352 (-1.8959) 0.04693 USD/WON (T-Stat) 0.000822 (0.2277) 1.06062 (4.1893) 0.19381

6 MAP Model Spot Rate Percentage Change (st), 1978-1996 st = a + B1(yf-yd) + B2(md-mf) +e CurrencyaB 1B 2R2 USD/BP (T-Stat) 0.00488 (0.6478) -0.37693 (-0.4993) -0.04453 (-0.4632) 0.00586 USD/DEM (T-Stat) 0.00826 (0.9263) 0.41886 (0.4438) -0.24478 (-1.4869) 0.03137 USD/MEX (T-Stat) 0.00572 (0.2488) 1.02313 (4.0013) 0.13837 (0.9888) 0.23820 USD/Yen (T-Stat) -0.01671 (-1.657) -1.53893 (-1.4961) 0.25139 (1.6663) 0.08232 USD/WON (T-Stat) -0.00160 (-0.431) 1.21573 (4.7123) 0.08196 (2.1156) 0.28868

7 FER Model FT = Spot Rate * (1+US Interest Rate*T/360) (1+Foreign Interest Rate* T/360)

8 Ad-Hoc Model Spot Rate Percentage Change (st), 1978-1996 st = a + B1(Id-If) + B2(yf-yd) + B3(USCAg) +e CurrencyaB 1B 2B 3R2 USD/BP (T-Stat) 0.03704 (3.0662) 0.60842 (2.5267) 0.36509 (0.7371) 0.00091 (2.143) 0.1479 USD/DEM (T-Stat) 0.00997 (1.1735) -0.36690 (-1.3406) 0.189127 (0.5274) -0.00041 (-1.017) 0.03685 USD/MEX (T-Stat) 0.00569 (0.2122) - 0.23995 (-3.896) -0.15503 (-0.6551) 0.00010 (0.1186) 0.17950 USD/Yen (T-Stat) -0.03256 (-3.448) 1.09910 (3.833) -0.2689 (-0.4867) -0.00021 (-0.584) 0.18356 USD/WON (T-Stat) -0.00517 (-0.746) -0.20583 (-2.1835) 0.04512 (2.5798) 0.00001 (0.0910) 0.12798

9 Martingale-Random Walk Model FT = St MSE = (ST-St)^2

10 Compare Models Out of Sample 1997-1999 MSE = 1/n * S(St est. – St act ) 2 Model USD/BPUSD/DEMUSD/MEXUSD/YenUSD/WON PPP 0.000270.0396140.0000260.000000350.00000001947 MAP 0.000240.0409990.0000310.000000340.00000001937 FER 0.000030.0000320.0000220.000000010.00000000019 Ad-hoc 0.000560.0391740.0000940.000000430.00000002144 RW 0.002260.0383250.0000230.000000320.00000001931


12 Forward Projection Based on the FER Model 2000-2002

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