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CELL DIVISION!!. There are two types of cell division. Mitosis – when an organism is growing, repairing or replacing cells EX: skin cells replacing dead.

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Presentation on theme: "CELL DIVISION!!. There are two types of cell division. Mitosis – when an organism is growing, repairing or replacing cells EX: skin cells replacing dead."— Presentation transcript:


2 There are two types of cell division. Mitosis – when an organism is growing, repairing or replacing cells EX: skin cells replacing dead skin cells Meiosis – division of reproductive cells

3 Meiosis or Mitosis? A) A snake sheds its skin. B) My dog just had puppies. C) You grew four inches in the last 2 years.


5 Mitosis Cycle Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis

6 The cell prepares to divide by copying its DNA

7 Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from:

8 The chromatin in the nucleus condenses and forms chromosomes. Centrioles appear at the poles of the cell. The nuclear envelope breaks down.

9 Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from:

10 The centrioles attach spindle fibers to the centers of each chromatid (a pair of chromosomes) The chromatids are being pulled in both directions, so they end up lined up across the center of the cell.

11 Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from:

12 The chromatids split up; half moving toward one pole and the other half moving toward the other pole. The cell begins to stretch.

13 Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from:

14 Two new nuclear envelopes form. The chromatids loosen up and appear as chromatin again

15 The cell membrane pinches into two ‘daughter cells’ that are exactly the same as the ‘parent cell.’

16 Animal Mitosis -- Review Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Interphase

17 Plant Mitosis -- Review Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Interphase

18 I I nterphase P P rophase M M etaphase A A naphase T T elophase C C ytokinesis IPMATC I Play M ore At T he Coast

19 19

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