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Welcome Parents!  Please fill out an index card with:  Your child’s name  Your name  Any information you would like me to know about your child  Best.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents!  Please fill out an index card with:  Your child’s name  Your name  Any information you would like me to know about your child  Best."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents!  Please fill out an index card with:  Your child’s name  Your name  Any information you would like me to know about your child  Best way to contact you  Please place the index card in one of the baskets located on the desks Stone Hill Middle School Ms. Campbell 7th & 8th Grade English 2015-2016

2  Grew up in the Northern Virginia region  B.A. in English, concentration world literature  Currently finishing Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary English

3 Curriculum Strands Communication Reading Writing Research

4 Course Objectives To cultivate a love of reading To build upon reading strategies and study literature To develop writing skills through the writing process To continue development of grammar and spelling skills To increase vocabulary To improve oral communication skills

5 Expectations Come to class on time and prepared. Complete assignments in class & home if needed. Check my webpage for project information, due dates, and other info. Check the “absent binder” for missed work when absent Read nightly for 20 minutes.

6 Ten Steps to Becoming a Better Reader: 1.Read 2.Read 3.Read 4.Read 5.Read 6.Read 7.Read 8.Read 9.Read 10.Read

7 One to the World District initiative to encourage students to think beyond our classroom, to discover, explore and learn from the world. BYOT or Bring Your Own Technology is a key component *8 th grade only: Global book talk project

8 Supplies Students need to bring the following supplies each day: ◦Loose leaf paper ◦Highlighter ◦Agenda (NOT provided by the school) ◦Binder with 5 dividers ◦Independent reading book ◦Dry Erase Marker ◦Pencils ◦Colored ink pens ◦Colored pencils ◦Scissors ◦Glue stick ◦We need tissues. Will you donate a box, please?

9 Daily Routine Warm-Ups: ◦Independent reading ◦Writing prompts ◦Grammar/root word activities Writing or reading mini-lesson Reading or writing class work (independent and collaborative)

10 Phoenix Overview Summative Assessments Graded Scores form the quarter grade Grades based upon the LCPS grading scale ◦ Grades range from A-F ◦ Students scoring below 70% will be retaught and retested. Formative Assessments Checkpoints Scores show a range of 1-4 ◦ Score of 4 means “skill mastered” ◦ Score of 1 means “skill is not yet learned”

11 4 - Exper t (exce eds the stand ard) 3 - Proficient (meets the standard) 2 - Basic (progressing on standard) 1 - Novice/In Training (inconsistent knowledge of expectations) Score of 4 means- I get this! Score of 3 means- proficient Score of 2 means- almost there Score of 1 means- I don’t get this.

12 A+ 98-100 A 93-97 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62 F 59 and below

13 Reading Log Students are required to maintain a reading record (log) in their binders Students should focus on reading from a variety of genres Periodically checked

14 Retakes Students may retake a summative assessment if the grade is below 70%. However, they must be up to date on ALL other assignments (homework, classwork, projects) Schedule a time to be re-taught the material misunderstood This may occur BEFORE school, AFTER school, or at RESOURCE

15 What’s happening now? Setting up classroom procedures and routines Getting to know each other – creating a positive classroom community Reading and writing pre-tests First summative assessments coming up! 7 th grade – Paragraph writing, Figurative language test 8 th grade – Edgar Allan Poe Author study

16 Ways to support the class Ways to support the class Extra books at home? Consider donating for the class. We will find a home for books. Need fresh books? Order online from or use student fliers. Our class code is PB6R7 Go to Every time you order books with our class code, we earn FREE books for our Classroom library!

17 Communication To receive messages via text, send a text message to 81010: ◦BLOCK 1 - @camp8-1 ◦BLOCK 2 - @camp7-2 ◦BLOCK 3 - @camp7-3 ◦BLOCK 6 - @camp8-6 ◦BLOCK 7 - @camp7-7 ◦BLOCK 8 - @camp8-8 You can opt out of messages at anytime.

18 Communication You can also email me - Let’s work together to help your child be successful

19 for being here.

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