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Reading focus: Analyzing and interpreting what you read at a detailed, thoughtful level. Writing focus: Use your analysis and interpretations to create.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading focus: Analyzing and interpreting what you read at a detailed, thoughtful level. Writing focus: Use your analysis and interpretations to create."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading focus: Analyzing and interpreting what you read at a detailed, thoughtful level. Writing focus: Use your analysis and interpretations to create clear, thoughtful, well-supported, and well-crafted written work. Note-taking skills Use of Cornell Notes to improve your note-taking skills Vocabulary (The words you use, and how you use them) You will learn about the structure and origin of words to deepen your word power in both writing and speaking Learn how to analyze idioms, analogies, metaphors and similes so you understand what you read better Reading Focus: Literary Analysis (Reading for deep understanding) Understanding, thinking about, and talking about what you read in an intelligent, thoughtful way: Learn how to analyze the fiction and non-fiction you read. Use your analysis to summarize and better understand the main points of what you read. Learn how to analyze the plot, characters, setting and literary devices in what you read to interpret meaning. Use your analysis to support your own viewpoints in a response to what you read. Types of Writing You will write both essays and narratives including: Biographies Narratives Essays in response to literature Writing Process: Write clear, well organized papers that are detailed, well supported, and grammatically and mechanically complex and correct. MLA formatting for essays Organization using thesis, supporting details, and conclusions Transitions Sentence structures Revision, revision, revision Editing, editing, editing Room 206 Mrs. Rolph 13, August 2015

2  43 years old  I LOVE teaching English !  My favorite grade to teach is 8 th !  I love my job!  Went to PINT in 8 th grade – Mrs. Howe was my PE teacher!  Married to high school sweetheart  Son, Michael just got married this year.  I love gardens, dogs, color, art, TV, movies and reading!  I make jewelry  I am really good at communication.  I am working on memorization, especially of names- but I’m good at remembering faces.

3 Introductions – How to Shake Hands  Eye contact  Firm grip (think door knob)  Smile


5 Reading Focus  Analyzing and interpreting what you read at a detailed, thoughtful level. Writing Focus  Use your analysis and interpretations to create clear, thoughtful, well-supported, and well-crafted written work.

6 Focus: Literary Analysis Reading for Deep Understanding Reading in a specific way in order to… Understand Main Ideas Think about the text, the author, and the ideas presented Discuss the text with others Create written responses to what you read All in an intelligent, thoughtful way

7 WORDS ARE POWER! The words you use, and how you use them. You will learn The structure and origin of words How to analyze context to better help you understand new words.


9 Summaries Poetry Narratives Different Types of Essays

10 Write clear, well organized papers that are detailed, well supported, and grammatically and mechanically complex and correct.  MLA formatting for essays  Text based evidence  Critical thinking  Peer editing  Revision  Presentations

11  Use of Cornell Notes to improve your note- taking skills

12  Discussing what you read  Discussing what you write  Reporting back to the group  Team oriented

13 MANY throughout the year Individual Partner Group

14  Increase oxygen to the brain  Wake you up  Give you time to process what you just learned  Help your brain by reconnecting the two hemispheres  Are often silly and usually more fun than an English lesson


16 Purpose of homework ?!?  Review, practice and reinforce  Instill good habits for the future  20% of work in college is classwork  80% is homework (yes, most of it!)  Nightly Reading 20 minutes  Nightly Studying 5- 15 minutes

17 By the end of the year you will be…

18 And …

19 …ready for the demands & adventures of high school.

20  I need FIVE really good TA’s  Requires responsible, detail oriented, trustworthy students of good character.  No D’s or F’s on report card last year  To apply, write me a note telling me why you would be good at the job. Perks –  I feed you well.  You will be busy.  If not busy, time to do other class work.

21 Top of page AFTER the PINK Line Your Name Mrs. Rolph English 8 14 August 2014 P. ___ MLA Format Paper Heading


23 Classroom Tour Student Files White boards Dictionaries, Thesauruses Pencil Sharpener Sorter Closure Binder Hand Sanitizer & Kleenex Sign-out Sheet Trash cans vs. Recycling Turn-it-in Baskets Late, Try Again, or Absent Work Turn-in Basket Daily (blue) cards Tardy Sign-In Art Supplies/Games Mrs. Rolph’s Desk Area (Off Limits) Projector – Note cords/safety TA’s work area First Aid Kit Band aids

24 Class Procedures General No Food. Water only, with cap on. NO other beverages in class- or they end up in the trash can. Blue ink, black ink, or pencil only for assignments. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. (note signs) Don’t interrupt for trivial matters. Wait until lesson is done before sharpening pencils, asking for passes, etc. Always ask permission to leave your seat.

25 One person out of seat at a time, unless otherwise instructed. Use the back of the room to get around. Restroom passes = 3 each quarter. No pass, no go. If tardy and not excused, sign in on Tardy clipboard. 3rd Tardy = Detention Keep it neat and tidy. I don’t want a bunch of junk on the floor. We clean up every day before you leave, AFTER the bell rings. I dismiss the class, not the bell.

26 Turn-in Assignments Procedure (Whole class) Have work out on desk to be checked off before turn in. I will check off papers, but you will turn them in as a class. Papers are passed BACK – you get the paper of the person in front of you. Have Each Other’s Backs! Check that they have MLA on paper Put YOUR paper on top of the stack. Last person in row passes the papers to the RIGHT Last person in the last row on the right will put the papers neatly in the turn-in basket.

27 How To Enter The Classroom Enter quietly Go directly to your seat Stop socializing as you walk into the room Hats off, back shelf or under seat – not on your desk. Promptly get out planner, all supplies & homework due Have homework out on desk ready to be checked off. Begin warm up immediately after getting your supplies out. WTDWYAD is always silent reading your AR book.

28 End of the Period Work or Read until end of period. Packing up early will result in you staying after the bell rings. Closure Check floor, clean up after yourself Straighten Desks Quietly wait for instruction and dismissal. Do not leave your desk – no milling around at the back of the room.

29 Leaving the Class Health office – 3 B’s: Blood, Bones or Barf Permission Only Ask at appropriate times, unless emergency! No going to office to call home during class. Counseling – by appointment only. Sign out sheet – fill out completely. Need a pass, bring pass BACK stamped with time. Sign out, and back in. Go only where you are given permission to go, and come back within time allotted.

30 Procedures for Assignments Turning in papers: NEVER turn in a paper directly to Mrs. Rolph or to her desk areas! Turn papers into the turn-it in boxes. We file graded papers in student files, after I get them back from you. If paper is late, write LATE at the top before you turn it in. If you were absent, write ABSENT at top of paper. If it is a Try Again, write TRY AGAIN at top of paper, & staple first attempt to new paper.

31 Assignments Assignments are due when the class turns them in. If you finish it in class, it is still late. Neatness counts. Spiral notebook edges, rips, tears, scribbles are not ok. To make corrections, draw a line through once. No graffiti, doodles or artwork on your assignments. Put your name on all of your work. Again, no name papers will be thrown away. MLA format on all turned-in work unless otherwise stated.

32 Materials List Have EVERY DAY Book to Read (best if it is AR) Planner English Binder Pens or Pencils Binder Paper

33 Options if you forget supplies: Use a colored pencil, grade will be lowered. Buy supplies from me with Talon Tokens. I don’t loan materials except during a test Check detritus can Ask a neighbor Planner – Make one by stapling paper together

34 Respecting Materials and Possessions Not ok to draw, write, scribble or scratch on anything in the classroom that doesn’t belong to you. Not ok to touch Mrs. Rolph’s things Use bookmarks for all books that aren’t your own Not ok to damage anything that isn’t yours, in the classroom or out of it. Be aware if you tend to fidget – no death by fidget. Please, TELL ME if you see any messes or graffiti.

35 Discipline the practice or methods of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior

36 Not a punishment ! A reset is just a chance to get back to being great. Procedure: If I ask you to reset, do the following in your seat – 1) Stop 2) Quietly reset yourself by – Closing your eyes, covering your eyes, or putting your head down 3 count breathing 3) Once reset, you will be welcomed back to the group.

37 RARE! Resetting Outside Procedure – 1) Teacher or other adult asks you to reset outside 2) You quietly leave your seat and go out the back door 3) Do not leave the ramp – stay by the door. 4) Reset yourself by quietly breathing, positive self talk 5) Take one or two minutes, maximum 6) When you feel you are reset, quietly reenter the classroom, and welcome back to the group Note: Leaving the classroom without permission is not a reset – it is a cut.

38 4 Coins = 1 Talon Token See lists for what you can get with them! Talon Tokens are not transferable. How to get? Being Responsible Some examples: Beginning daily warm-up quickly and quietly Having homework out and ready to be recorded Following directions

39 Whole Class Earns 400 = Class Party Hire a Helper - Recognitions Good day is usually 10 per day How to Get ‘Em ? Save class time! Be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe! Whenever the whole class is not wasting time – no cross talking, follows directions quickly, listens attentively, gets right to work at bell, etc.

40 School Rules: Planner Review Dress Code Profanity Gum Tardies/Cuts

41 Class Rules Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe

42 And finally – Welcome to 8 th Grade English! I am so glad you are here. We are going to have a great year together.

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