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Master in Biochemistry Faculty of Chemistry University of Belgrade.

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1 Master in Biochemistry Faculty of Chemistry University of Belgrade

2 How the program was created Survey of employed biochemists (1997-2007) New, emerging trends in Biochemistry Position of the MS within the study programs at the Faculty of Chemistry Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology study programs at Universities in Serbia The Low of Higher Education from 2006 – accreditation process

3 Planning phase of the Master in Biochemistry development Curriculum Advisory Committee Prof. dr Vesna Niketic Assoc. Prof. dr Marija Gavrovic-Jankulovic Assoc. Prof. dr Tanja Cirkovic Velickovic Dr. Nenad Milosavic, IHTM Dr. Dragana Stanic, IHTM Dr. Natalija Polovic Milos Filipovic Jelena Acimovic Alumni, gathering data and information, survey of employed graduate biochemists mr Milan Nikolic

4 Survey conducted in 2007: Employment of graduate biochemists 34 % research/industry sector abroad 33 % research laboratories 12 % industry in Serbia (25 % are employed by the Torlak Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera) Education sector, private sector etc

5 Emerging fields in modern biochemistry Bioinformatics Molecular Biotechnology Sophisticated techniques widely applied

6 Structure of the Master Program 2 compulsory subjects (12 ECTS) Covering emerging new fields in Biochemistry 2 elective subjects (8 ECTS) Allowing fine-tuning of graduates towards plant biotechnology, immunobiology or structural analysis of biomolecules Research work (20 ECTS) Master thesis (20 ECTS)

7 Multidisciplinarity Faculty of Biology Institute of Botany Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry Faculty of Chemistry Department of Biochemistry Department of Organic Chemistry

8 MSDP project objectives Development and modifications of courses e-learning Establishing twinning with EU institutions Reinforcing connections with the labor market Facilities reinforcement and upgrade towards establishing laboratory for Molecular Biotechnology and the FCUB

9 Module number and title Course number and titleNo. of e- Lear ning BGP+Twinning lectu rer Semester yesnoyesnoyesno1 st 2 nd A. Research oriented master in biochemi stry A.1. Bioinformatics 2+2+ 0 4xxxx A.2. Contemporary biochemical methods - Molecular Biotechnology 4+1+ 3 8xxx A.3. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (elective) 2+0+ 2 4 x xxx A.4. Immunobiology (elective) 2+0+ 2 4 x xxx A.5. Advanced Structural Instrumental Methods (elective) 2+2+ 0 4 x xxx A.6. Biochemistry and Biophysics of Macromolecules (elective) 2+0+ 2 4 x xxx Compulsory research work (tutorial) 10+0 10x Compulsory research work (tutorial) 10+0 10x Master thesis 0+20 20x

10 Twinning partner University of Plovdiv, Genomics Center Faculty of Biology Master in Bioinformatics Master in Molecular Biotechnology Visiting lecturers Bioinformatics Genome analysis, Analysis of microarrays, RNA structure prediction, Phylogenetic prediction Contemporary Biochemical Methods - Molecular Biotechnology Cloning strategies, Mutagenesis Plant Biochemistry and Physiology Plant Biotechnology, Transgenic Plants, Plant Tissue Culture, Plant Growth and Development, Senescence

11 Labor market partner involvement Torlak Institute of Virology, Vaccine and Sera Invited experts (within the course of Contemporary Biochemical methods - Molecular Biotechnology – production of sera, vaccines and preparations for allergy diagnosis and immunotherapy) Internships Participation in MS committees Co-supervision of MS theses

12 Learning outcomes … At the end of this study a student would be able to: perform complex analysis and individual research tasks in the field biochemistry and molecular biotechnology independently solve problems to analyze, evaluate, present results of scientific work in a poster or oral presentation

13 Learning outcomes… to work efficiently in a team and in an multidisciplinary environment to translate knowledge and apply skills into practice in laboratories and research institutions, control laboratories etc to communicate knowledge and practical skills to professionals in the same and related fields to disseminate knowledge to other members of the research team and/or production unit

14 Implementation of the project 2007 First versions of curricula and accreditation 2007 2009 Development and modification of courses March 2009 First training seminar organized by WUS April 2009 Meeting with the Accreditation committee, no need for additional accreditation of the study programme June 2009 Visit to University of Plovdiv, Department of Physiology and Molecular Biology, Genomics center, meetings with guest lecturers and reviewers June 2009 first e-learning seminar September 2009 Second training seminar organized by WUS October 2009 Enrollment of MS students October 2009 literature purchase

15 Implementation of the project October 2009 – March 2010 Writing and publishing scripts October 2009 – February 2010 equipment purchase Establishment of a Molecular biotechnology laboratory by the end of March 2010 November 2009, December 2009, April 2010 guest lectures, April-May 2010 Internships to Torlak Institute and visiting lectures of Torlak experts September 2010 finalizing transfer of parts of compulsory courses into e-learning courses within Master in Biochemistry study programme

16 Reinforcing connections with the labor market Survey of companies that traditionally employ graduate biochemists To disseminate information to potential employees To make alumni of graduate biochemists

17 Plans for future sustainability of the twinning with the PU Following successful application of the FCUB within the FP7- RegPot2010-5 call, supported by the PU, Genomics Center, as one of 8 EU partners on the project, the funding (1.363 mEuro) will be obtained for “Reinforcing FCUB towards becoming a centre of excellence in the region of WB for food research and molecular biotechnology” for the period of 2010-2012 Support will be obtained for: Mutual experts visits Mutual researchers visits in order to exchange know-how within the field of bioinformatics and molecular biotechnology Prof. Ivan Minkov (twinning coordinator) annual visits to the FCUB, as a member of the Advisory Board of the project Upgrading facilities for molecular biotechnology and food research and establishment of the first Proteomics center in Serbia

18 Final analysis and assessment Comparison with the existing curriculum and syllabus Report Dissemination Guidelines for revision Adjusting existing curricula

19 Monitoring and evaluation Curriculum Advisory Board Alumni Meetings More efficient networking with stakeholders

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