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Norwin School District Summative Assessment Professional Development Initiative 2014-2015 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Norwin School District Summative Assessment Professional Development Initiative 2014-2015 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norwin School District Summative Assessment Professional Development Initiative 2014-2015 2015-2016

2 Today’s Agenda Overview of Summative Assessment Purposes of Assessment and Definitions of Various Types of Assessment Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK)

3 What will we learn in 14-15? Friday, September 12, 2014 – Knowing What to Test – Assessment Plan for Unit Friday, October 3, 2014 – Developing a Test Blueprint & DOK Friday, November 14, 2104 – Writing Selected Response Items & DOK Friday, December 12, 2104 – Writing Constructed and Extended Response Items & DOK Friday, January 23, 2015 – Writing Performance Tasks & DOK Thursday, February 12, 2015 – Rubric Development & DOK Friday, March 13, 2015 – OnHand Schools to Develop a Summative Assessment & DOK Friday, April 24, 2015 – Homework Practices – Preparing for SLOs

4 What will we learn in 15-16? We will spend the year learning about and working on the development of Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) – These will become a part of the Teacher Effectiveness System and a part of each teacher’s year-end evaluation

5 September Assessment Plan for Unit of Study – Throughout this year, each teacher will select a unit of study he/she currently teaches. – Within this unit, you will develop the following types of assessments that are aligned to objectives you identify students will meet at the conclusion of the unit Selected Response (Traditional Test) Test that includes constructed and/or open-ended response questions with a Rubric Performance Task/Authentic Task with a Rubric – If you have these types of items already developed for a unit, as we learn about these items, you will refine those you have already developed

6 October Developing a Test Blueprint & DOK – Helps you to determine what to assess (the objectives) and the levels of thinking required of students – Constructed prior to developing assessment questions – You will develop one of these for a selected- response test (tradition test)

7 November Writing Select Response Items & DOK – You will learn how to write effective test items Multiple-choice T/F Matching Short Answer – You will either develop a new test or refine one that you have already written

8 December Writing Constructed Response and Extended Response Test items – Theses are test items where students have to produce an answer and not just select an answer – Examples of these include open-ended test items, lab experiments, responses to pieces of text, etc.

9 January Writing Performance Tasks – You will develop an assessment that requires students to demonstrate that they have mastered specific objectives by performing or producing something – Examples might include things such as… designing and carrying out experiments; working with other students to accomplish tasks; demonstrating proficiency in using a piece of equipment or a technique; building models; developing, interpreting, and using maps; making collections; playing musical instruments

10 February Developing Effective Rubrics – You will learn how to develop an effective rubric for the constructed and/or extended response item(s) you created and for the performance task you created

11 March Using OnHand Schools Assessment Builder – You will learn how to find test items in OnHand Schools and how to put your tests online so that you have quick, usable data to help you make instructional decisions

12 April Homework Practices – We sometimes don’t think of homework in terms of assessment. Yet, homework provides a great deal of information to us about student progress – You will learn homework “best practices” SLOs – You will be provided an overview of SLO process

13 Brain Break: Ear and Nose Switch 1. Stand up. 2. Take your right hand and grab your left ear. Keep your right arm close to your body. 3. Now take your left hand and touch your nose. 4. Uncross your arms and move your left hand to your right ear and your right hand to your nose. Your left arm should now be closest to your body. 5. Switch back and forth as fast as you can.

14 What is a Student Learning Objective? A process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards. The SLO in PA is written to a specific teacher and a specific class/course/ content are for which that teacher provides instruction All teachers in all content areas create an SLO.



17 How does summative assessment fit in with our past initiatives? Unit Planning – Desired Results Standards/PA Core Curriculum Alignment – Assessment Formative Assessment Summative Assessment SLOs – Planning Formative Assessment Differentiated Instruction QUILT Literacy Practices

18 PastPresentFuture SLOs Summative Assessment Best Practices Unit Planning & Best Practices

19 Training Sessions This Year Format – Whole Group: (Principal(s) and Cadre Leaders Together Model and Explain Guided Practice – Small Group: Content or Grade Level Teams Performance of Understanding (Application of what you learned) Moodle – Missed Sessions – Documents Feedback Following Each Training Session – Voluntary and anonymous –

20 Monthly Training Dates & Times Meeting Times (To begin promptly at scheduled time): HS: 12:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. MS: 1:15 p.m. to 3:35 p.m. HC: 1:15 p.m. to 3:35 p.m. Elem: 1:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Meeting Dates: Friday, September 12, 2014 Friday, October 3, 2014 Friday, November 14, 2104 Friday, December 12, 2104 Friday, January 23, 2015 Thursday, February 12, 2015 Friday, March 13, 2015 Friday, April 24, 2015

21 Brain Break 1. Stand Up. 2. Start by waving your right hand in front of you left to right. Your palm should be facing away from you while keeping your hand with your fingers pointing up. 3. Now stop that hand and have your left hand in front of you waving it up and down. 4. Now practice moving them at the SAME TIME. Do not move your hands going diagonally. 5. Now switch to have your right hand up and down and your left hand left and right. Do this faster and switch often to make it more difficult.


23 What is the purpose of assessment? Grab a piece of paper and chat with a neighbor. – List reasons why we assess students? – Be prepared to share

24 Why we assess? Assessment is a process used by teachers and students before, during, and after instruction to provide feedback and adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve student achievement and to provide appropriate challenge for all students at their instructional levels (SAS, 2014).

25 Types of Assessment AND

26 Types of Assessment Definition of AssessmentExamples of Assessment Diagnostic 2 L, P Formative 1 C, W, Y, Z Summative 5 A, D, G, J, K, S, T, X Benchmark/Universal Screening 3 E, F, Q, R, S High-Stakes Assessment 6 B, M, U Pre-assessment 4 H, N, O, Y, V Standardized: Achievement, IQ, Ability 7 I

27 Brain Break

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