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The Scarlet Letter Literary Essay

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1 The Scarlet Letter Literary Essay

2 The Prompt As an assessment of our reading of The Scarlet Letter, you will be asked to analyze a dominant theme throughout the story. Please make sure you analysis covers the entire novel and includes three quotations.

3 Possible Topics Order vs. Individual Freedom Justice vs. Revenge
The Public Realm vs. The Private Realm Sin vs. Guilt Nature vs. Society

4 Guidelines 3 – 4 pages, typed, double spaced
Times New Roman 12 point font Clear thesis with three subtopics Three specific quotes covering the entire novel. Correct in-text citations MLA format

5 The “Yes” Test Before Mr. Sun-K grades your essay, you must pass the “Yes” Test. The “Yes” Test addresses the guidelines of the essay. Consequences: 1st time fail: No penalty 2nd time fail: -10% 3rd time fail: -25%

6 Assignments Brainstorm (30 points) Outline (50 points)
Draft 1 (30 points) Draft 2 (50 points) Draft 3 (75 points) Final Draft (200 points)

7 Key Dates Brainstorm: In-Class Wednesday 12/3
Outline: In-Class Thursday 12/4 Draft 1: Due Friday 12/5 Draft 2: Due Tuesday 12/9 Draft 3: Due Thursday 12/11 Final Draft/Dialectical Journal Due: Monday 12/15

8 Final Tips Include in-text citations (Author, pg#). MLA Format:
-Header with your name and page # at the top of each page. -1 inch margins -Title Follow the Citation Sandwich: -Set-Up the quote -Cite the quote -Analyze the quote Cover the Scope of the novel: your essay needs to discuss the beginning, middle, and end of the The Scarlet Letter

9 Please stand for Think on your Feet

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