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EQUFAS. De homo zappiens Media use of the homo zappiens.

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2 De homo zappiens


4 Media use of the homo zappiens

5 Homo zappiens writing

6 The process of disconnected information

7 Would you like to read this message?

8 And now, how about the visual cues?

9 What is competence based learning?



12 Wisdom (being competent) knowing what you know and what you don’t know. Life long learning This is the level of Examination/Certification within educational processes nowadays. Transfer through experience Understanding the use of knowledge in different fields leads to understanding the complexity of situations or guestions. Transfer Knowledge, the student is able to translate the information in a practical way. Through context Information, selection in the data, what is important and what is not, making an selection in the data. Transfer Data (where does it come from? Only the teacher’s book? Or the internet as well?) Through context AUTHENTIC LEARNING

13 Principles of competence based school systems 1. The competencies that are the basis for the study programme are defined. 2. Vocational core problems are the organising unit for (re)designing the curriculum (learning and assessment). 3. Competence-development of students is assessed before, during and after the learning process 4. Learning activities take place in different authentic situations.

14 Principles of competence based school systems 5. In learning and assessment processes, knowledge, skills and attitudes are integrated. 6. Self-responsibility and (self)-reflection of students are stimulated. 7. Teachers both in school and practice fulfil their role as coach and expert in balance. 8. A basis is realised for a lifelong learning attitude for students.

15 Main functions of the EQF Neutral reference point and a system for classifying qualifications levels Translation device for comparing qualifications

16 EQF Level 1 EQF Level 2 EQF Level 3 EQF Level 4 EQF Level 5 EQF Level 6 EQF Level 7 EQF Level 8 MAIN FEATURES OF THE EQF 8 levels defined through learning outcomes – knowledge, skills and competence EQF has two main aims; to facilitate trans- national mobility and lifelong learning

17 Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework Each of the 8 levels is defined by a set of descriptors indicating the learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at that level in any system of qualifications. KnowledgeSkillsCompetence In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual. In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments). In the context of EQF, competence is described in terms of responsibility and autonomy.

18 Working with level 3 or 4 of the EQF Level 3 The learning outcomes relevant to Level 3: Knowledge: Facts, principles, processes and general concepts, in a field of work or study. Skills: A range of cognitive and practical skills required to accomplish tasks and solve problems by selecting and applying basic methods, tools, materials and information Competence: Take responsibility for completion of tasks in work or study adapt own behaviour to circumstances in solving problems

19 Working with level 3 or 4 of the EQF Level 4: The learning outcomes relevant to Level 4 Knowledge: Factual and theoretical knowledge in broad contexts within a field of work or study Skills: A range of cognitive and practical skills required to generate solutions to specific Competence: Exercise self-management within the guidelines of work or study contexts that are usually predictable, but are subject to change supervise the routine work of others, taking some responsibility for the evaluation and improvement of work or study activities

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