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1 Unit 7 Reading 1. 2 Tasks for Seasons of the year Talking Reading Enjoying Feeling.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Unit 7 Reading 1. 2 Tasks for Seasons of the year Talking Reading Enjoying Feeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Unit 7 Reading 1

2 2 Tasks for Seasons of the year Talking Reading Enjoying Feeling

3 3 How many seasons are there in a year?Which season do you like best? Why? Task1 Talking about seasons

4 4 spring

5 5 windy and bright a perfect time bees and butterflies shower [ ' ʃ auə]

6 6 summer

7 7 [ ʃ eid] ['tempr ə t ʃ ə ] 40 0 C [stri:m] stream sweet memories of summer days temperature a quiet quiet streams shade pool

8 8 autumn The temperature drops.

9 9 fall into piles upon the ground harvest crops [’h ɑ :vist][kr ɔ p]

10 10 full of snow fly far away

11 11 Task2 Reading the poem Each season has its own beauty

12 12 a.quiet streams, trees and shade eat ice cream b. full of snow birds fly far away c. a perfect time to fly a aakite bees and butterflies ddplay among flowers d. brown leaves fall on qqthe ground farmers harvest crops c d b a Check your homework P83 B2

13 13 spring summerautumnwinter

14 14 weatheractivity Windy and brightFly kites

15 15 The weather is nice in spring. A windy day is ________ for flying a kite. _____ and butterflies play among flowers. Then they______ away when the April showers come. hide perfect Bees Let’s complete

16 16 quiet streamsshade lazy afternoon by a pool Ice cream 1. What sweet memories do people have of summer days?

17 17 People often have sweet _________of summer days. They go swimming and eat __________. They like to play by quiet ________ or under the ________of trees. memories shade ice cream streams Let’s complete

18 18 Retell autumn with the pictures fall into piles… harvest crops… As …shorter… drops.. 提示:不是一字字的背, Just tell the main idea

19 19 Then autumn leaves turn brown, Fall into piles upon the ground. Farmers work to harvest crops, As the days are shorter and temperature drops. Soon the snowy season will begin, And it will be a new year once again. brown ground crops drops begin again

20 20 1. Snow rhymes with ________. 2. Away rhymes with ________. 3. Bright rhymes with ________. 4. Flowers rhymes with ________. grow day kite showers [raim] Feel the beauty of rhyming words Task3 Feeling the beauty the poem

21 21 Let’s find beautiful words, phrases and sentences of the poem.

22 22 When trees and flowers forget to grow Let’s feel the poem personification( 拟人手法 ) Bees and butterflies play among flowers Then hide from the April showers. lazy afternoons

23 23 V( 动词 ) adj( 形容词 ) phrases( 短语 ) sentences( 句子 ) Feel the beauty of the poem I like … Because it makes me think…/ it gives me a feeling of…/ it shows me a …picture of... it is a personification( 拟人 )

24 24 Let's read the poem! vividly clearly loudly correctly 正确 清晰 大声 生动 有感情 emotionally sentence stress intonation sentence groups pronounciation …

25 25 Seasons of the year Winter days are full of snow, When trees and flowers forget to grow, And the birds fly far away To find a warm and sunny day. The days of spring are windy and bright. What a perfect time to fly a kite! Bees and butterflies play among flowers, Then hide from the April showers. Those sweet memories of summer days Are about quiet streams and trees and shade, And lazy afternoons by a pool, Eating ice cream to feel cool. Then autumn leaves turn brown, Fall into piles upon the ground. Farmers work to harvest crops, As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. Soon the snowy season will begin, And it will be a new year once again.

26 26 Seasons of the year Winter days are full of snow, When trees and flowers forget to grow, And the birds fly far away To find a warm and sunny day. The days of spring are windy and bright. What a perfect time to fly a kite! Bees and butterflies play among flowers, Then hide from the April showers. Those sweet memories of summer days Are about quiet streams and trees and shade, And lazy afternoons by a pool, Eating ice cream to feel cool. Then autumn leaves turn brown, Fall into piles upon the ground. Farmers work to harvest crops, As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. Soon the snowy season will begin, And it will be a new year once again.

27 27 Those sweet memories of summer days Are about quiet streams and trees and shade, And lazy afternoons by a pool, Eating ice cream to feel cool. Then autumn leaves turn brown, Fall into piles upon the ground. Farmers work to harvest crops, As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. Soon the snowy season will begin, And it will be a new year once again.

28 28 Seasons of the year Winter days are full of snow, When trees and flowers forget to grow, And the birds fly far away To find a warm and sunny day. The days of spring are windy and bright. What a perfect time to fly a kite! Bees and butterflies play among flowers, Then hide from the April showers. Those sweet memories of summer days Are about quiet streams and trees and shade, And lazy afternoons by a pool, Eating ice cream to feel cool. Then autumn leaves turn brown, Fall into piles upon the ground. Farmers work to harvest crops, As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. Soon the snowy season will begin, And it will be a new year once again.

29 29 Those sweet memories of summer days Are about quiet streams and trees and shade, And lazy afternoons by a pool, Eating ice cream to feel cool. Then autumn leaves turn brown, Fall into piles upon the ground. Farmers work to harvest crops, As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. Soon the snowy season will begin, And it will be a new year once again.

30 30 Seasons of the year Winter days are full of snow, When trees and flowers forget to grow, And the birds fly far away To find a warm and sunny day. The days of spring are windy and bright. What a perfect time to fly a kite! Bees and butterflies play among flowers, Then hide from the April showers. Those sweet memories of summer days Are about quiet streams and trees and shade, And lazy afternoons by a pool, Eating ice cream to feel cool. Then autumn leaves turn brown, Fall into piles upon the ground. Farmers work to harvest crops, As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. Soon the snowy season will begin, And it will be a new year once again.

31 31 Finish a famous poem about spring A spring morning This morn of _______ in bed I’m lying, Not _______ up till I ______ birds ________, After one night of ________ and showers, How _______ are the fallen_______________ hearspring many woke crying wind flowers A spring morning This morn of spring in bed I’m lying, Not woke up till I hear birds crying, After one night of wind and showers, How many are the fallen flowers.

32 32 little poet, no limited imagination 小诗人,大想象 Task4 Enjoy being a little poet

33 33 Don’t be afraid. Just express your ideas about the topic. No need to pay too much attention on grammarticle rules. Try to make your writing like a poem.

34 34 little poet, no limited imagination 小诗人,大想象 Task4 Enjoy being a little poet

35 35 Beautiful nature Beautiful poem Beautiful language Let’s enjoy nature, enjoy life enjoy language hope to find the magic

36 36

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