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Common Core Mathematics. Learning Norms 2 Restrooms Parking Lot evaluation connections General comments.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core Mathematics. Learning Norms 2 Restrooms Parking Lot evaluation connections General comments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core Mathematics

2 Learning Norms 2 Restrooms Parking Lot evaluation connections General comments

3 Today’s Learning Goals 3 1. Identify and interpret the 8 Mathematical Practices of Common Core. 2. Organize and differentiate “blended” standards 3. Develop a Learning Progression Scale 4. Identify tools and resources developed to support the implementation of CCSS.

4 Success Criteria 1.Develop a learning goal using resources that support CCSS. 2.Apply the model of a Learning Progression Scale with math practices in mind.

5 Introductions Name School Title Subjects Taught Years in Education Name School Title Subjects Taught Years in Education

6 Why is math important? Warning: Much of the action depicted and/or described on this site is potentially dangerous. Virtually all of the participates seen in the photos are experienced professionals. Do not attempt to duplicate.

7 Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make sense of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 7 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics 3b, 3c

8 Let’s Practice….

9 1.

10 2.

11 3.

12 4.

13 5.

14 Review – Relate - Reflect 14 Review the 8 Mathematical Practices Reflect one new idea Relate how to use a MP in your classroom

15 10 Minute Break

16 Course Descriptions 16

17 K-8 Grade Domain Cluster Standards High School Conceptual Category Domain Cluster Standards Common Core Format

18 Florida’s Numbering of the Common Core State Standards MACC.7.SP.2.4 Subject Grade Domain Cluster Standard MACC.7.SP.2.4 Subject Grade Domain Cluster Standard SubjectMathematics Common Core Grade7 Domain Statistics and Probability Cluster Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. Standard Use measures of center and measure of variability for numerical data from random samples to draw informal comparative inferences about two populations.

19 Florida’s Numbering of the Common Core State Standards MACC.912.A.CED.1.4 Math Common Core Grade Conceptual Category Domain Cluster S tandard MACC.912.A.CED.1.4 Math Common Core Grade Conceptual Category Domain Cluster S tandard Grade9-12 Conceptual Category Algebra Domain Creating Equations Cluster Create equations that describe numbers or relationships Standard Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations.

20 Compare National to State Notation National: CCSS.Math.Content.6.EE.A.3 Florida: MACC.6.EE.1.3 National: CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-SSE.B.3 Florida: MACC.912.A-SSE.2.3

21 as our guide! Using the Course Description….

22 22 Questions to Ponder How do you know when a student can use, explain and apply a standard? What are different stages of mastering a standard?

23 Model for Instructional Planning Chunking Identify the standards of focus from course description to support learning goal and differentiate levels of understanding. Learning Goals Create the learning goals/targets based upon the critical areas of focus or big ideas along with the integrated standards from the course description. Learning Progression Develop scales or rubrics to describe the steps students will take to attain each learning goal as well as what success looks like at each step. 23

24 Model from Math 1-advanced 24 Review and Analyze Unit Write Learning Goal Identify standards to support Learning Goal 1c, 1e

25 Review and Analyze Unit 25 Unit 3: Read and highlight action words Students understand the use of variables in mathematical expressions. They write expressions and equations that correspond to given situations, evaluate expressions, and use expressions and formulas to solve problems. Students understand that expressions in different forms can be equivalent, and they use the properties of operations to rewrite expressions in equivalent forms. Students know that the solutions of an equation are the values of the variables that make the equation true. Students use properties of operations and the idea of maintaining the equality of both sides of an equation to solve simple one-step equations. Students construct and analyze tables, such as tables of quantities that are equivalent ratios, and they use equations (such as 3x = y) to describe relationships between quantities.

26 Write Learning Goal Learning Goal: The students will be able to write, rewrite and solve one step equations when solving real world problem. 26 Suggested Essential Question: How can algebraic expression and equations be used to model, analyze and solve mathematical situations?

27 Standards for Learning Goal 27 MA.A.3.2 MACC.6.EE.1.2 MACC.6.EE.2.6 MACC.6.EE.2.7 MP #1 #2 #6

28 28 Let’s Practice

29 Review – Relate - Reflect 29 Review Learning Goal Development Reflect on a new idea Relate how to use Learning Goals in your classroom

30 LEARNING PROGRESSION 30 1.Identify mastery 2.Differentiate levels of understanding 3. Create example problems 1a, 1b, 1c, 1e, 3d

31 Sample Level 3 (Target) Solve one step equations with nonnegative rational numbers. Evaluate a real world problem that involves the understanding of how to solve a one- step equation. Level 3 Target

32 Sample Level 0 Level 0 The student can: add, subtract, multiply, and divide with whole numbers.

33 Sample Level 1 The student can: Use a given value of a variable to evaluate an expression. Level 1 \\ \

34 Sample Level 2 Level 2 The student can: Solve one step equations with whole numbers.

35 Sample Level 4 Create a word problem that corresponding to an algebraic equation. Level 4

36 36 Let’s Practice

37 John Hattie’s High Yield Strategies 3d Formative Assessments =0.90 Self Assessments d = 0.64

38 Review – Relate - Reflect 38 Review Learning Progression Development Reflect on a new idea Relate how to use Learning Progressions in your classroom

39 Piecing it ALL Together

40 Common Core Mathematics

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