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2011 Missionary Prayer Guide July 3, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Norman and Lori: 1. For GO students as they travel to London, Wales and.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Missionary Prayer Guide July 3, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Norman and Lori: 1. For GO students as they travel to London, Wales and."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide July 3, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Norman and Lori: 1. For GO students as they travel to London, Wales and East Asia this summer. 2. For students who attend the Youth Evangelism Conference in August. 3. For students as they begin evangelistic campus clubs in their schools 4. For God to move in a mighty way at Falls Creek this summer.

2 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide July 10, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Trey and Elise: 1. For the church plant in Zagreb, Croatia— for the growth of the church and for many to come to faith in Christ. 2. For the new church plant in Brno, Czech Republic—that God will send a Czech national to be their pastor. 3. For the Roberts family in their move to Poland and their learning of the Polish language. 4. For the new work in Budapest, Hungary. 5. For the Baptist church in Slovakia and the new pastors who were called to their first pastorates.

3 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide July 17, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Mark and Cindy: 1. For the leadership of Oklahoma Baptist University. 2. For the spiritual growth of OBU students. 3. For the partnership of OBU and the BGCO to train pastors and leaders locally and internationally. 4. For a continued fruitful ministry to and through Oklahoma Baptists.

4 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide July 24, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Don and Lori: 1. For spiritual and physical protection for me and my family. 2. For God to give receptive hearts to jail/prison administrators as Christian programs are brought into their facilities. 3. For God’s power and anointing over the prison and jail ministries. 4. For true revival to break out in the prisons and jails. 5. For him to be a faithful witness.

5 2011 Missionary Prayer Guide July 31, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Cliff and Cinthy: 1. For stateside churches to commit to adopting strategic areas in Chile to plant a church. 2. For God to begin a mighty church planting movement in Chile. 3. That their family will always look where God is working and join Him. 4. For God to put people in their path who are seeking Him. 5. That they will be obedient to share the Good News.

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