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ELL for ALL Shuksan Culture Camp Katie Brown: 2014 Washington State Teacher of the Year.

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Presentation on theme: "ELL for ALL Shuksan Culture Camp Katie Brown: 2014 Washington State Teacher of the Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELL for ALL Shuksan Culture Camp Katie Brown: 2014 Washington State Teacher of the Year

2 Shuksan Middle School Bellingham Public Schools ~ 650 students, grades 6-8 ~ 62% free/reduced lunch ~ 24% English as a second language ~ 12% in ELL program

3 Shuksan Tier 1 “Strong Teaching & High Support” SIOP Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol PBIS Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports Content + language Consistency Instructional Rounds TPEP/Common Core filtered through SIOP Focus on catching kids being good Shuksan PRIDE CHAMPS Positive rewards

4 Shuksan Tier 1

5 Staff PD within the school day = ~52 hours


7 Shuksan P.R.I.D.E “We care about safety and learning.” Peace How do you show peace ? o Be nice o Walk calmly through the halls o Say “hi” o Focus on learning in the classroom o Be safe o Smile

8 Shuksan P.R.I.D.E “We treat others as we would like to be treated.” Respect How do you show respect ? o Be nice o Say “please” & “thank you” o Be on time o Help others o Try your best

9 Shuksan P.R.I.D.E “We are honest because it is the right thing to do.” Integrity How do you show integrity? o Work hard every day o Tell the truth o Don’t spread rumors o If you say you will do something, do it o Be on time

10 Shuksan P.R.I.D.E “We work hard by doing what is expected.” Determination How do you show determination? o Work hard every day o Don’t give up o Ask for help o Do your homework o Revise or redo your work if you don’t meet standard

11 Shuksan P.R.I.D.E “We go above and beyond in all we do.” Excellence How do you show excellence? o Work hard every day o Meet or exceed standard o Ask questions o Participate in class & sports o Do your homework o Read, read, read

12 PRIDE… is what we work toward every day!

13 We honor students at Shuksan: DailyMonthlyQuarterly Paw Prints Cougar P.R.I.D.E Award Shuksan Scholars Assembly

14 Show PRIDE, earn a PAW PRINT! Help someone out! Say “please” and “thank you” Hold the door open! Turn in your homework! Smile and say “hi!” Pick up trash you see in the hallway! Give someone a compliment! Be honest! Ask a question! Don’t give up! Sit next to someone new at lunch! Thank you for showing PRIDE!

15 “What do I do with it?” Meet Ms. Anderson 1.Bring your Paw Print to the lunch room 2.Find Ms. Anderson 3.She will hole punch your Paw Print, give you a Paw Print pencil and take your picture for the Paw Print Wall

16 Paw Print Drawings! If you earn a Paw Print, write your name in the Paw Print Book at lunch! You are now entered into the weekly and monthly drawing! Drawings are every Friday and the last Friday of every month. Remember: Bring your Paw Prints to lunch, not the office! Then you can take them home.

17 Cougar P.R.I.D.E Award Chosen by teachers/ staff once a month Earn the award for showing academic excellence or outstanding effort Attend a breakfast ceremony with your family & teachers Earn a Cougar PRIDE certificate

18 Become a Shuksan Scholar! (Supported by our PTSA!) At Shuksan,, we honor you for all the things you do right! This includes: AttendanceCitizenship (showing PRIDE!) Academic Excellence

19 Shuksan Scholar Awards Assembly Attendance: You are at school 95% of the days each month (miss only 1 day). Citizenship: Each teacher team will vote for one male and one female student that will earn PRIDE Awards for Peace, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Excellence. Academic Excellence: You reach standard in your classes Academic Improvement: Showing hard work to get better in your classes Cougar Commendation: Chosen by Leadership Club and ASB based on quarterly themes

20 Types of Awards Certificates T-Shirts Wrist bands Plaques Ice Cream Socials We will have our Shuksan Scholar awards 4 times a year: November, January, March, and June. We will hold award assemblies for each grade level.

21 CHAMP Classroom Expectations For Success! C onversation H elp A ctivity/Accomplishment M ovement P articipation

22 Conversation Can I talk during this activity? About what? With whom? For how long? Level 0: No talking Level 1: Whisper Level 2: Partner/group can hear me Level 3: Whole class can hear me Level 4: Playing outdoors CHAMP

23 Help How should I ask for help? Who should I ask? What should I do while I wait to get help? CHAMP

24 Activity/ Accomplishment What is the objective? What should I be doing? What is expected of me? CHAMP

25 Movement For what reasons can I get out of my seat during this activity? Do I need permission to get out of my seat? CHAMP Level 0: No movement Level 1: Permission Level 2: On a Mission Level 3: Free

26 Participation What behavior shows that I am participating? What behavior shows that I am not? CHAMP

27 Important! A CHAMP expectation may be slightly different depending on your class and your teacher. Your teachers will be sure to give you clear CHAMP expectations. If you aren’t sure, ask! What’s the expectation ?

28 Welcome to Shuksan! Be Nice Work Hard Show PRIDE

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