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New words and expressions: Are common – общий Used to – бывало Shrovetide – время прощания с зимой Scarecrow – чучело Sour cream – сметана Honey- мед.

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Presentation on theme: "New words and expressions: Are common – общий Used to – бывало Shrovetide – время прощания с зимой Scarecrow – чучело Sour cream – сметана Honey- мед."— Presentation transcript:


2 New words and expressions: Are common – общий Used to – бывало Shrovetide – время прощания с зимой Scarecrow – чучело Sour cream – сметана Honey- мед Caviar- икра Pancakes – блины Resurrection of the Christ – Воскресение Христа Evil – зло, вред Magic - волшебный

3 Match the words: Wear fancy costumes Tell fortune Rode in a sleigh Built a townlet greet each other Made bonfires Sing carols -жгли костры Поздравляют друг друга Поют рождественские песни Катались на санях Носили маскарадные костюмы Строили снежные крепости Предсказывали судьбу (гадали)

4 Every country has its own national holidays but there are holidays that are common for many countries.People all over the world celebrate New Year` s Day, Christmas and Easter.

5 NEW YEAR` S DAY It is a family event in Russia. People decorate a New Year tree and meet around festive table. At 12 o` clock they greet each other and give presents. They sing songs, dance, watch TV programs.

6 Christmas – tide. The days from Christmas to Epiphany are called Christmas – tide (святки). People used to wear fancy costumes and go from house to house singing carols. It is the time for telling fortunes.

7 During this festival people used to have a lot of fun. They made snowmen, played snowballs, rode in a sleigh, built a townlet.

8 SHROVETIDE (Farewell – to Winter Festival).

9 Maslenitsa marks the beginning of spring and Lent ( пост). During this festival people make fires, burn straw scarecrows of winter, perform traditional songs and dances.

10 PANCAKES. PANCAKES. During Maslenitsa week people always cook pancakes. They visit each other and eat pancakes with sour cream, honey, butter or caviar.


12 Christ is risen ! Easter is the main festival of the Christian Church. The Christians celebrate Resurrection of the Christ. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first spring moon. It usually falls on April. People greet each other by the words “Christ is risen!”

13 The Traditional Easter Food The Traditional Easter Food.

14 KULICH. KULICH. Kulich is a tasty Easter loaf flavoured with sweets and raisins. It should be round in shape.

15 EGGS - a symbol of new life and resurrection – are brightly coloured and decorated. People believed that the egg could save you from the evil eye and take away all the pain you had.

16 Paskha. Paskha. Paskha is a dish made from sour cream, sugar, eggs, raisins and butter. It should be square in shape.

17 Country Defendant` s Day. It is celebrated on 23 of February.This holiday is devoted to all soldiers and officers, to all people who defended our country or are now in the Army.

18 VICTORY DAY. There are dates and events in our country that are memorable to all Russian people. Victory Day is the greatest holiday in Russia. It is held on the 9-th of May. People lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow.

19 CUPALA` s Night is the ancient fire festival. It is celebrated in July and is connected with the Sun, water and fire. Young people made bonfires and jumped over them. They swam in the river and picked magic grass which prevented from deceases.

20 True or false ? 1.There are no holidays that are common for many countries. 2.Hew Year`s Day is a family holiday in Russia. 3. Maslenitsa is the time for telling fortune. 4. At Christmas –tide children used to go from house to house singing carols. 5. During the festival people used to have a lot of fun. 6. At Shrovetide people burn straw scarecrows of winter. 7. During Christmas-tide people always cook pancakes. 8. Easter is the main festival of the christians.9. The traditional Easter food in Russia is blini with sour cream. 9. Easter eggs are a symbol of new life and resurrection. 10.Country Defendant`s day is celebrated in February. 11. Victory Day is the greatest holiday in Russia.

21 Homework : Retell about winter Festivals in Russia. Ex.1,2 p.102-103 Ex. 4 p.104 ( in a written form)

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