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GHS Implementation In Slovenia Global Thematic Workshop on Strengthening Capacities to Implement The GHS Johannesburg 15-18 November 2005 Tatjana Humar-Jurič.

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Presentation on theme: "GHS Implementation In Slovenia Global Thematic Workshop on Strengthening Capacities to Implement The GHS Johannesburg 15-18 November 2005 Tatjana Humar-Jurič."— Presentation transcript:

1 GHS Implementation In Slovenia Global Thematic Workshop on Strengthening Capacities to Implement The GHS Johannesburg 15-18 November 2005 Tatjana Humar-Jurič Urad Republike Slovenije za kemikalije

2 Implementation of the GHS: “Encourage countries to implement the new GHS for the classification and labelling of chemicals as soon as possible with a view to having the system fully operational by 2008.” Implementation requires: a long-term effort and cooperation among countries, international organizations, stakeholders (industry and labor representatives) Implementation plans: pilots have begun in countries from different regions to determine what would help countries adopt and implement the system.

3 Pilot project in Slovenia (2): As a member of the EU: same goals like other (pilot) countries: - to be prepared on the implementation of the GHS - to have good informed users (professional and nonprofessional) of dangerous chemicals - after changing the old system: as much as possible full harmonisation of the GHS with all possible speed

4 Pilot project in Slovenia (3): As a member of the EU: the similar reasons to have such project like other (pilot) countries: - to increase the knowledge about GHS - to provide as much as possible the information connected with the implementation of the GHS - to support of all stakeholders be secured for the new legislation but also - to compare the current EU system and the new system - to find out: how much does it cost - to know: what would be the cost-benefit-ratio

5 Pilot project in Slovenia (4): As a new member of the EU : special / different reasons to have such project than other (pilot) countries : - to share and use experiences from the past (implementation of the EU legislation) - to help the EU candidates and other countries in the EEC region

6 Slovene activities at the national level (1): → preparing: discussion, seminars, elemntary courses ● for industry: - to determine their problems connected with GHS implementation - to strengthen capacities to implement the GHS - to have a direct dialogue with industry (mobilisation of resources) - to have active collaboration (CA-IND) ● for decision-makers and relevant experts in all sectors about the GHS: - to raise awareness of - to enable them to participate actively in GHS implementation and harmonisation → preparing public awareness campaign (read the labell)

7 Slovene activities at the international level: → coperation in the processes of preparing GHS implementation in EU → organisation of the International GHS traning workshop in EEC region (3.Q. 2006): - goals of the workshop: acquaintace with the EU (COM) GHS proposal to review the current stage of the EU GHS implementation to learn about technical aspects of the GHS informing about the COM guidelines sharing the ideas and experiences linked with the transposition of the legislaton

8 Slovene GHS implementation Slovenia as the EU MS will implement GHS based on: ● COM guidelines document (for CA and industry) ● outcomes and recommendations from the project activities ● Slovene past experiences regarding implementation of the EU legislation

9 Thank you for your attention!

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