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Published byAmi Rogers Modified over 9 years ago
Chinese 1 Feb.11-Feb.15.2013 TEKS: 2A, 5A, Chinese new Year celebration: 1) Learn new words and review good luck words and phrases 2) Skit learning 3) Friday show
Monday objectives Skit learning 1)Read through the skits 2) pick up a group you like to work with 3 ) pick up one of the skits 4) learn new words 5) work hard to read your lines. By Friday, you will present to whole class. It is a test grade.
Skit 1 Casts: A, B, Mom, brother, sister Ask a girl out A: 嗨 Hāi ,那边有一个女孩 nà biān yǒu yīgè nǚhái 。她好漂亮 Tā hǎo piàoliang! ! 我喜欢她 Wǒ xǐhuan tā 。 Hey, the girl over there is pretty. I like her. I want to ask her out. B: 我也喜欢她 Wǒ yě xǐhuan tā. I like her too. 我要约她 Wǒ yāoyuē tā. I will ask her out 。 C: 我也喜欢她 Wǒ yě xǐhuan tā. I like her too. 我不敢 …Wǒ bù gǎn I dare not…. 。
B :看我的 Kàn wǒ de! ! Watch! B :你好! Nǐ hǎo! 新年快乐 Xīnnián kuàilè! ! Hi, happy New Year! Girl: 你你好!新年快乐! Nǐ nǐ hǎo! Xīnnián kuàilè! Hi…. Happy New Year! B: 我叫 …. Wǒ jiào B. 我是高三学生 Wǒ shì gāosān xuéshēng/ I am a Junior. 你喜欢喝咖啡 吗 Nǐ xǐhuanhē kāfēi ma ? Do you like coffee?
Girl :我不认识你 Wǒ bù rènshi nǐ 。 I don’t know you. B: 我是好人 Wǒ shì hǎorén. I am a good person 。 我可以请你喝咖啡吗 Wǒ kěyǐ qǐng nǐ hē kāfēi ma? ? May I treat you a cup of coffee? Girl :我不喜欢喝咖啡 Wǒ bù xǐhuan hē kāfēi. 。 I don’t like coffee. Girl stares at him. B: 有电话来 Yǒu diànhuà lái Someone calls me. ! 不好意思 Bù hǎoyìs I am sorry. Bye! 。 B leaves 。.
New words: students will practice reading the new words in the small group after teacher’s instruction Location 有+ Noun There is/ are A in/ at the place 那边 Nà biān there 漂亮 Piàoliang beautiful 不认识 Bù rènshi be not acquaintance with someone 约 Yuē: ask someone out 敢 Gǎn : dare 看我的 Kàn wǒ de Watch me! 高三 Gāosān : Junior 可以 Kěyǐ,Modal word, May/ can 请你 Qǐng nǐ invite you 喝咖啡 hē kāfēi drink coffee 不好意思 Bù hǎoyìsi I am embarresed. I am sorry. Excuse me.( depends on the context)
Check your mastery of the new words: please write the English meaning on the following words 那边 Nà biān – 漂亮 Piàoliang – 不认识 Bù rènshi 约 Yuē: 敢 Gǎn : 看我的 Kàn wǒ 高三 Gāosān : 可以 Kěyǐ, - 粉丝 Fěnsī 你还好吗 Nǐ hái hǎo ma – 请你 Qǐng nǐ – 喝咖啡 不好意思 Bù hǎoyìsi
Skit 3: Cross talk: I can say lucky words: Please practice with your group after teacher’s instruction. A:我会说吉祥话 Wǒ huì shuō jíxiáng huà. 。 I can say lucky words B:我也会 Wǒ yě huì. 。 Me too. A: 新年快乐 Xīnnián kuàilè! Happy New Year! B: 新年快乐 Xīnnián kuàilè Happy New Year! A: 别学我 Bié xué wǒ.Do not copy me 。恭喜发财 Gōngxǐ fācái Congratulations and be prosperous. B: 大吉大利 Dàjí dàlì Good luck! A: 吉祥如意 Jíxiáng rúyì Good luck and everything goes in your favor! B: 平安快乐 Píng'ān kuàilè Have a peaceful and safe year!
A: 花开富贵 Huā kāi fùguì Flowers bring rich. B: 身体健康 Shēntǐ jiànkāng Be healty! A: 世界和平 Shìjiè hépíng World peace! B: 前程似锦 Qiánchéng sì jǐn Have a bright future! A: 花开富贵 Huā kāi fùguì Flowers bring rich. B: 你说过了 Nǐ shuōguòle. You already said that. 学业进步 Xuéyè jìnbù. Make progress in your study A: 金榜提名 Jīnbǎng tí míng Get accepted in good college B: 步步高升 Bùbù gāo shēng You get promoted smoothly
A :长一点的 chǎng yīdiǎn Some sentences longe 福 如东海寿比南山 Fú rú dōnghǎi shòu bǐ nán shān B: 岁岁平安 Suì suì píng'ān, 安居乐业 ānjūlèyè , A: 还有吗 Hái yǒu ma? ? Anything else? B: 有 Yǒu yes 。过街老鼠 Guòjiē lǎoshǔ, 人人喊打 rén rén hǎn dǎ 。 Crossing street mouse was hunted by people , A: 我打你 Wǒ dǎ nǐ I hit you. B: 跑 Pǎo ! Run! AB:新年快乐!吉祥如意! Xīnnián kuàilè! Jíxiáng rúyì! Happy New Year! ( Bow to the audience)
New words: 会 Huì , modal word, can 长 chǎng adj. long 一点 Yīdiǎn, adv. a little bit 过街 Guòjiē v. cross a street 老鼠 Lǎoshǔ n. mouse 喊打 Hǎn dǎ v. yell beating 说 Shuō v. talk 吉祥话 Jíxiáng huà n.Lucky words
Skit3:Happy New year: Casts: A, B, sister (A knocks at B’s entrance’ door ) A :新年快乐! Xīnnián kuàilè! Happy New year! B: :新年快乐 Xīnnián kuàilè! !恭喜发财 Gōngxǐ fācái! ! Congratulations and be prosperous. A :谢谢 Xièxiè! !请进 Qǐng jìn! Come in, please ! sister :欢迎 Huānyíng! Welcome !我是 Wǒ shì A de meimie. I am A’s little sister 。请坐 Qǐng zuò! ! Please take a seat! A: 他是 B tā shì...sister, his name is… 他是我 朋友 Tā shì wǒ péngyǒu. He is my friend 。
Sister : 很好 Hěn hǎo! Very good !祝你学业 进步 Zhù nǐ xuéyè jìnbù! ! Wish you make progress in your study in the new year! B :祝你身体健康 Zhù nǐ shēntǐ jiànkāng! Wish you healthy !大吉大利 Dàjí dàlì! Good luck! sister: 谢谢 Xièxiè · 你要喝点什么 nǐ yào hē diǎn shénme? What do you want to drink ? B :我可以喝可乐吗 Wǒ kěyǐ hàn kělè ma? ? May I drink some coke?
sister :好 Hǎo 。 Sister: 您的可乐 Nín de kělè! ! Your coke! B: 你好漂亮 Nǐ hǎo piàoliang! ! You are so pretty! 你要当我的女朋友吗 Nǐ yào dāng wǒ de nǚ péngyǒu ma? Can you be my girlfriend ?我喜 欢你 Wǒ xǐhuan nǐ ! I like you! Sister: 我不喜欢你 Wǒ bù xǐhuan nǐ! ! ! I do not like you. A: 出去 chūqù! Get out ! B : Ah ! B runs away.
New words: 拿 Ná Take 拿 Ná… 来 lái, v. bring something 拿 Ná… 去 qù, v. take something to somewhere. 女朋友 Nǚ péngyǒu n. girl friend 男朋友 nán péngyǒu n. boy friend 当 Dāng v. to be 可以 Kěyǐ Modal word, “may” 祝 Zhù v. wish 出去 Chūqù v. go out
Check your mastery of the new words: Please write English after each word. 拿 Ná 拿 Ná 来 lái, 拿 Ná 去 qù,. 女朋友 Nǚ péngyǒu 男朋友 nán péngyǒu 当 Dāng 可以 Kěyǐ 祝 Zhù 出去 Chūqù
Tuesday objectives: teks: 2a, 3a, 5a 1) review the new words 2) voc.quiz Wednesday 3) students will sit with their group and practice their lines. 3) The teacher will guide the students practice their lines.
Wednesday objectives Teks: 2a, 3a, 5a 1) Review the new words 2) Voc.quiz 3) students practice skit in groups 4) The teacher will make the corrections.
Thursday objectives TEKS: 2a, 3a, 5a 1) students perform in the classroom. 2) The teacher will make correction over their pronunciation. 3) The students will practice the skit with their group. Tomorrow: Performance in Omni room( RHS). Performance in the classroom( BHS)
Friday objectives Teks: 2a, 3a, 5a 1) Students will perform the skit in the Omni room RHS/ classroom -BHS Grade rubrics *students who can say all the lines correctly gets 100. * students who can say the lines 80% correctly gets 80. students who can say the lines 70% correctly gets 70. up to 10 points will be added to the group that has props, background slide, lights, etc. Let’s start our show. Thank you for participating Chinese New Year celebration.
Ask yourself questions: 1) What do I know about Chinese New Year? A. what do Chinese people do, eat during Chinese New Year? B. what information can you recall from world history? 2) What lucky words can I say? 3) What western holiday(s) is/ are similar to Chinese New Year? 4) Any questions about Chinese New Year?
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