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GS1 Logger for Staff – A new service infrastructure for GS1 MOs 21 February 2013, Brussels.

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Presentation on theme: "GS1 Logger for Staff – A new service infrastructure for GS1 MOs 21 February 2013, Brussels."— Presentation transcript:

1 GS1 Logger for Staff – A new service infrastructure for GS1 MOs 21 February 2013, Brussels

2 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Once upon a time… ’You know David, GS1 is such a lucky company. It is based on a such a simple business model. You take a PC and allocate unique numbers to other companies which in return pay their annual fees! Wonderful! You only need to make sure that there wont’t be clashes of numbers at the retailers and that’s all. (Tamás Beliczay, Former CEO of VRH, market leading AUTO ID company) Is this such an easy task? How good are we at fulfilling this role?

3 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff Statistics 1 January 2012 – 4 February 2013 14% of the scans proved to be invalid!

4 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Why should we be concerned? The GS1 System is a set of standards enabling the efficient management of global, multi-industry supply chains by uniquely identifying products, shipping units, assets, locations and services (GUM 1.3) Can we make such a statement knowing the figures? The funding of all MOs to a (very) large extent depends on providing numbers, notably GCPs which for a (often substantial) fee is charged. And we claim that we ensure uniqueness… What if it became more widely known that we don’t do our best to guarantee unique numbers ?

5 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Why should we be concerned? GS1’s objective to provide a Trusted Source of Data implies that GTINs and all other ID Keys must be unique, as well as the value of the attributes which apply to the product (e.g. allergenic properties) Increasingly the number is regarded as the key to the source of the product. New legislation in the EU (effective from 2014) requires that relevant product data must be available for all on-line available products. Our creditability could be at stake!

6 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Why should we be concerned? From financial point of view it’s obvious: the more paying members we have the better and cheaper we can serve them! Lost revenue! There is at least 10 000 000 EUR loss in every year due to the not clarified legal status of GCPs! In addition there is a damage to all of our users caused by the not proper use of our standards (e.g. barcode symbols)

7 The history GS1 Logger for Staff The beginning of a beautiful friendship…

8 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Project Background Overview GS1 Logger Staff is a unique solution, combining the elements of GEPIR and MobileCom with the aim to provide an easy-to-use and powerful tool for the purpose of GTIN Intelligence. GS1 Hungary’s successful pilot phase started in 2009 GS1 Hungary proposes to extend the pilot to other countries and establish the basis of a global system for MOs to verify GS1 GCPs Link:

9 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe What is the aim of the initiative? GS1 Logger Staff is a solution, combining the elements of GEPIR to support the Mos in their daily work and efforts in the field of GTIN intelligence. The goals are: To provide an easy-to-use and powerful mobile tool for GS1 Member Organizations to validate GS1 GCPs and perform basic GS1 BarCode Quality checking To create a comprehensive and commonly agreed reporting system to monitor the follow up of invalid GTINs

10 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Other results of the GS1 in EU project A not expected side-effect of the project was to the call the attention of the weak operation of the Gepir Network. This issue was addressed on a sufficient level and hopefully will be resolved by the Global Office. Upon request a process was developed in order to monitor how MOs actually follow up the invalid numbers identified by the application (See appendix!)

11 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Facts and figures 11 Number of MOs registered: 56 Number of colleagues using the application: more than 290 Number of scans: more than 34 000 Number of invalid numbers caught by the app: more than 4 900 Number of faulted scans: more than 2 200 (due to Gepir error) Since the kick off of the project, 1 January 2012

12 Where are we now? The introduction of GS1 Logger for Staff 2.1

13 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff version 2.1 13 It can verify all ID Keys in simple or complex symbol It scans EAN-8, EAN-13, UPCA, UPCE, GS1-128, GS1 QR Code, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional and ITF-14 The identification of competent MO and reporting works automatically on the basis of the GS1 prefix and the Root XML of GEPIR. With the ‘History’ we can list the previous validations. Users may expand the list with 4 new pages (a maximum of 100 records).

14 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff version 2.1 14 Besides GEPIR checking, the App verify the symbol itself and the content data according to the GenSpec v13 All complex ID Keys are decoded, and checked by the rules of mandatory, exclude and relation pairs. Furthermore, each element is verified by the standards of the corresponding AI. Symbol and data content are checked by GS1 standards

15 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff - the back-office New version 2.0 and new back-office with extended information and services 15 History and details available on the web Sign in with your unique password Choose language (English, German, Russian, Hungarian, Portuguese, Czech and more to come)

16 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff - the back-office Making complex statistical queries Status Code status Period of time Hide duplicates GS1 Organizations Users GS1 ID Keys Scanning devices Countries AIs GEPIR requests Return codes

17 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff - the back-office Comlex checking according to the GEPIR and General Specification v13  Link to the product  GEPIR return codes  Checklist of Logger status

18 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff - the back-office New possibilities  You can check the report was sent or not  You can see the picture was attached to the report  Automatic image upload

19 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff - the back-office Statistics menu on the website I. Stat1, Stat2, Stat3, Stat4 Stat1 contains the number of scans from users Stat2 shows the distribution of user scans amongst countries

20 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff - the back-office Statistics menu on the website II. Stat3 shows the distribution of GEPIR router return codes Stat4 shows the distribution of scans with a specific status by country.

21 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe GS1 Logger for Staff - the back-office Translation and profile menu on the website Translation allows you to do the translation of your own language. Profile allows you to set your preferred language and the display mode of your scanning location.

22 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Serving GS1 MOs and GS1 standards The whole infrastructure has two main purposes: 1.Provide a special tool to validate the legal background of the GCP! (legal aspect) 2.Provide a tool for MOs to check whether a barcode and its content data are in alignment with Gen Spec and all the other GS1 Standards (quality aspect) - What do we mean by that?

23 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Figure - 3 Segmented GS1 DataMatrix Symbols: Square and Rectangular Formats Barcode and content data verification e.g. 1/1 LVS-Integra 9505 Logger for Staff 2.0

24 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Figure - 3 Segmented GS1 DataMatrix Symbols: Square and Rectangular Formats LVS-Integra 9505Logger for Staff 2.0 Barcode and content data verification e.g. 1/2

25 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Figure A1.2 - 2 Data Encoded in one Concatenated GS1-128 symbol Price per unit of measure 365 Batch number 123456 Barcode and content data qualification e.g. 2 LVS-Integra 9505 Logger for Staff 2.0 No checking by the rules of mandatory, exclude and relation pairs

26 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Common process to follow up – We have homework to do In order to ensure the core value of the GS1 system MOs need to do their best to use the report sent by Logger for Staff app and follow up on the invalid numbers! Common process to use GS1 Logger for Staff and to follow up on invalid/unauthorized GS1 GCPs The paper defines questions focusing on the following three main aspects: Actions taken by the MO after receiving ‘Report’ from Logger for Staff app Reason of invalidity Latest status of the GCP

27 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Follow up surveys Sent to 47 MOs 22 responded and 22 MOs followed up the reports received from Logger for Staff So far 151 companies renewed its membership with GS1 Additionally the status of 367 companies were clarified which contributed to improve the data quality in the local membership data bases and of course indirectly the quality of Gepir.

28 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Serving the GS1 MOs ’Logger for Staff Application is very useful for us. It helps us to bring our members back and to collect the annual fees.’ Galina Birsanu, GS1 Moldova ’Appearance of Logger for Staff was a nice surprise for me as I felt a need for something like this since I was busy with Barcode Intelligence projects.’ Janis Lublinskis, GS1 Latvia

29 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Serving the GS1 MOs ’The Logger for Staff application is working very well and also the Logger for Staff website. It offers a lot of possibilities which are very important for our MO..’ Adi Turkovic, GS1 Bosnia & Herzegovina ’ Logger is from my perspective useful tool for all GS1 MOs and all companies using GS1 System because it helps to reveal both intentitonal and unintentional usage of GTINs which could cause many errors through whole supply chain and affect final consumer..’ Cerny Karel, GS1 Czech Republic

30 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Benefits and take aways The Logger for Staff infrastructure is serving the need of all MOs It is an ideal infrastructure to support GTIN Intelligence It is a new, innovative tool for MOs for barcode verification from quality point of view The infrastructure heavily relies on already existing services run by GS1 GO (Gepir, Gen Spec, other standards, etc.) Cleary an initiative that even the smaller MOs consider as a useful service helping their daily job

31 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Benefits and take aways It could be an ideal tool for training and education purposes It could be a potential service that GS1 MOs could give to their members to check barcodes from validity as well as from quality point of view The infrastructure is there, the application is there, the know-how is there …and are you ready to join?

32 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Let’s play with the numbers… On global level with Logger for Staff and strong national activity to follow up invalid GCPs (which should be part of the core services of GS1 MO) if we managed to decrease the 5% of invalid GCPs to 4% that would increase the total revenue of MOs with at least 2 000 000 EUR/year

33 ©2007 GS1 US ©2008 GS1 in Europe Thank you for your attention!

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