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Refugees – fundamentals September 17 Presentation at the CEU 17 September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Refugees – fundamentals September 17 Presentation at the CEU 17 September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refugees – fundamentals September 17 Presentation at the CEU 17 September 2015

2 Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy P HOTO OF J AVIER B ALAUZ, 2001

3 Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy P HOTO OF J AVIER B ALAUZ, 2001

4 T HE DIMENSIONS Facts (Statistics) LawPolicy Global EU Hungary

5 Language harmonisation Categories of migrants Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy

6 C ATEGORIES OF FOREIGNERS INTERNALLY DISPLACED ) C ATEGORIES OF FOREIGNERS INTERNALLY DISPLACED ) Migration InternationalDomestic RegularIrregular A longer than 1 year presenc/absence, in accrodance with the law „Illegal” Forced migration Regular migrant (Worker, student, family unifier, etc.) Undocumented foreigner, Persons with no right to enter and/or stay Refugee Internally displaced person, IDP

7 Orders of magnitude Statistics Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy

8 Global and Syria-related data Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy

9 F ORCED MIGRANTS, GLOBAL END OF YEAR DATA Source UNHCR: Global Trends Refugees, Asylum-seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless Persons különböző évek (statistical annex) és Vaccessed: 2014 szept. 24 and UNHCR: Global Trends Forced Displacement in 2014 Forced migrant 2008200920102011201220132014 Refugees (Under UNHCR mandate) 10,510,410,510,410,511,013,9 Palestinian refugees( UNWRA) 4,74,85,05,15,35,45,1 Individual applicants 0,81,00,80,9 1,11,8 IDPs fleeing conflict 26,027,127,526,428,833,038,2

10 Syria – in figures Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy Source: content/uploads/2015/01/3RP-Report- Overview.pdf, p. 9 Source: Individual applications in 37 European states


12 T HE SOURCE OF THE MIGRATION PRESSURE Forrás: Population Reference Bureau, tasheets/2014/2014-world- population-data-sheet/population- clock.aspx (20141127)



15 Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy M AJOR RECEIVING COUNTRIES

16 Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy M AJOR S OURCE COUNTRIES

17 European data Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy

18 I NDIVIDUAL APPLICATIONS IN THE EU, 2004 - 2014 Source: Eurostat, EU)_in_the_EU-28_Member_States,_2004%E2%80%9314_(%C2%B9)_(thousands)_YB15_II.png EU)_in_the_EU-28_Member_States,_2004%E2%80%9314_(%C2%B9)_(thousands)_YB15_II.png

19 A SYLUM APPLICATIONS BY EU COUNTRY, 2013 4Q – 2014 4Q Source: Eurostat, Data in Focus 3/2015, p. 4

20 C OUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF THE ASYLUM SEEKERS Source: Eurostat, EU)_in_the_EU-28_Member_States,_2004%E2%80%9314_(%C2%B9)_(thousands)_YB15_II.png EU)_in_the_EU-28_Member_States,_2004%E2%80%9314_(%C2%B9)_(thousands)_YB15_II.png

21 Hungarian data Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy

22 H UNGARIAN STATISTICS 20112012201320142015 1 January – 7 September Application, total 1.6932.15718.90042.777155.484 3 Main countries of origin Afghanistan (649) Kosovo (211) Serbia (27) Afghanistan (880) Pakistan (327) Kosovo (226) Kosovo (6.067) Pakistan (3.052) Afghanistan (2.279) Kosovo (21.453) Afghanistan (8.796) Syria (6.587) n.a. Some form of protection 191415 512 306 Refugee5287 198260 88 Subsidiary protection 139328 217252 218 Rejection7407514.1854.553n.a. Termination623111011.33923.40664-696 Source: own collection based on OIN Yearly booklets and UNHCR data and Sándor Pintér’s response to a question by a MP

23 IRREGULAR M IGRANTS INTERCEPTED IN M AY 2015 AND A UGUST S EPTEMBER Source: informaciok/hatarinfo/elfogott-migransok-szama 20150601 and 20150917) informaciok/hatarinfo/elfogott-migransok-szama

24 T HE H UNGARIAN R EFUGEE AND B ENEFICIARY OF S UBSIDIARY P ROTECTION S TATUS DETERMINATION P ROCEDURE Application Eligibility examination Eligibility examination Detailed examination (of the merits) Administrative procedure Judicial review Judicial procedure 30 days 60 + 30 days45 working days Judicial review 8 Days 8 days Border procedure: no departure from the conatainers at the border. OIN Court there, or via telecommunication

25 Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy Law definitions, and the concept of safe third country

26 First asylum applications, EU, 2015 Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy GEO/TIME2015M012015M022015M032015M042015M052015M06 European Union (28 countries)60 15064 63060 17057 30066 46575 780 Belgium1 2151 0701 1701 1151 6152 325 Bulgaria1 0551 0251 1101 1201 3251 605 Czech Republic95 17010585 Denmark6304304555508701 075 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)21 68022 77528 68024 50523 76032 705 Estonia51530 1025 Ireland215200210265255335 Greece9258957908551 005: Spain745575715895845: France4 0255 1355 6105 1754 3555 150 Croatia1015 10:5 Italy4 7405 0755 4304 5005 1305 265 Cyprus155125150145120: Latvia15 253050 Lithuania15255 10 Luxembourg859585708595 Hungary11 65516 4054 7506 4859 80016 385 Malta65160120105160115 Netherlands8857408001 0852 2502 935 Austria3 8753 0652 7703 7156 195: Poland485470485540525700 Portugal40806080:: Romania1007516020585 Slovenia1510201510 Slovakia1510255205 Finland305310345335510760 Sweden4 3453 5203 5703 4054 8506 055 United Kingdom2 7502 2252 4201 9352 545: Iceland:::::: Liechtenstein:::::: Norway570485 5201 1651 075 Switzerland1 4501 3101 3801 2702 0803 670 Total62 16566 42062 03559 09569 71080 525 Source: Eurostat, migr_asyappctzm

27 D EFINITIONS – THE UNIVERSAL STANDARD Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees – 1951 Article 1. Definition of the term “refugee” A. For the purposes of the present Convention, the term “refugee” shall apply to any person who: (1) Has been considered a refugee...[according to the interwar arrangements and the IRO constitution] (2) As a result of events occurring before 1 January 1951 and owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.

28 D EFINITIONS – EU ( AND H UNGARY ) EU Qualification Directive 2004/2011 Art 2 2004:(e) 2011: (f) „person eligible for subsidiary protection” [means someone], „who does not qualify as a refugee but in respect of whom substantial grounds have been shown for believing that the person concerned, if returned to his or her country of origin, or in the case of a stateless person, to his or her country of former habitual residence, would face a real risk of suffering serious harm as defined in Article 15, unable, or, owing to such risk, unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country; Art 15 (in both) Serious harm consists of: (a) death penalty or execution; or (b) torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of an applicant in the country of origin; or (c) serious and individual threat to a civilian's life or person by reason of indiscriminate violence in situations of international or internal armed conflict” Council Directive 2004/83/EC of 29 April 2004 on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection and the content of the protection granted (OJ L 304/12 2004 09 30,) DIRECTIVE 2011/95/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 13 December 2011 on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection granted

29 D IRECTIVE ON MINIMUM STANDARDS ON PROCEDURES T HE CONCEPT OF THE SAFE THIRD COUNTRY life and liberty are not threatened on account of 5 Geneva Convention grounds; and no risk of serious harm the principle of non-refoulement is respected; and the prohibition on removal in breach of the right to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment as laid down in international law is respected; and the possibility exists to request refugee status and, if found to be a refugee, to receive protection in accordance with the Geneva Convention.

30 T HE CONCEPT OF THE SAFE THIRD COUNTRY Minimum requirements concerning national rules on determining that a state is safe for a particular applicant: meaningful link between applicant and s.t.c. investigation if a particular country is safe for the particular a.s.(or national designation of s.t.c.) a right of the challenge the safety at least when torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is threatening the a.s. Challenge also possible on the basis of lack of connection to stc If inadmissible because of s.t.c. : - inform a.s. accordingly, - provide a.s. with document informing the s.t.c. that the application has not been examined in substance

31 Presentation by Boldizsár Nagy Policy issues

32 EU INITIATIVES May and September 2015 – two packages, combined effects Issues:  - ad hoc relocation from Greece and Italy into other EU member states 40 000 asylum seekers „in clear need of protection”  - ad hoc relocation scheme, involving Hungary also. 15 600 asylumseekers from Italy, 50 400 from Greece and 54 000 from Hungary in respect of groups with at least 75% recognition rates  - a „crisis relocation mechanism” to be built into the Dublin regulation, to be triggered by „large and disproportionate” inflow of asylum seekers, creating „extreme pressure”  - resettlement of 20 000 refugees from outside the EU _________________________________________________________  EUNAVFOR – fight against smugglers  European Emergency Trust Fund for Africa  European list of safe countries of origin

33 Thanks! Boldizsár Nagy CEU, IR and Legal Departments

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