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Christmas all over the world. Every country has its own customs and traditions.

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Presentation on theme: "Christmas all over the world. Every country has its own customs and traditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christmas all over the world

2 Every country has its own customs and traditions.

3 But such holiday, as Christmas is in every country

4 All countries celebrate this holiday in different ways. Вит what unites all people it is wonderful mood, happy smile, shining eyes and waiting for the WONDER!

5 It is a tradition to decorate Christmas Tree with colored balls, garlands and tinsel.


7 Another good tradition of this holiday is getting and sending gifts. Not only small children but grown-ups as well are preparing to receive and hand in different presents. We put them under the tree usually.

8 Japan has its own traditions. According to their ancient tradition, the Japanese house is decorated for Christmas with bouquets of willow or bamboo branches with flowers, fish, fruit.


10 Before Christmas the Scots throw a bright fire in the fireplace and the whole family sit around waiting for a fight hours. When the time is right, the owner of the house gets up and opens the door silently. He keeps it open as long as the clock strikes are not the final blow. So he lets the old year away and admits the new year.


12 Christmas - the most famous holiday, which is usually celebrated with family.

13 Mineralova Svetlana, 11 form

14 Использованные ресурсы prinyato-prazdnovat-novyj-god-v-yaponii-traditsii- kak-otmechayut-novyj-god-v-yaponii.htm prazdnuyut-novyj-god-v-shotlandii-traditsii-kak- otmechayut-novyj-god-v-shotlandii.htm D%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%8F%D0%B6%D0%B0%D0% B5%D0%BC+%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BA%D1%83&rp t=image

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