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OSI Development Plans Mark Hughes. ProcessBookDataLink PI-APIPI-SDK Automation OLE Objects ActiveX Controls COM Add-ins ODBC Datasets PINetMgr ArchiveBase.

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Presentation on theme: "OSI Development Plans Mark Hughes. ProcessBookDataLink PI-APIPI-SDK Automation OLE Objects ActiveX Controls COM Add-ins ODBC Datasets PINetMgr ArchiveBase."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSI Development Plans Mark Hughes

2 ProcessBookDataLink PI-APIPI-SDK Automation OLE Objects ActiveX Controls COM Add-ins ODBC Datasets PINetMgr ArchiveBase SnapshotSQL PI-ODBC UDA Redirector COM Connector PI-API PI-SDK ODBC

3 Module Database Point grouping Aliases Equipment hierarchy Application data Batch History

4 What’s a Module? Grouping of aliases (tags) Node in a Module hierarchy Has a level or PIHeading May or may not have physical significance Has Properties (in the VB sense)

5 What’s a Module? (part 2) May correspond to a Unit in batch processes May match a template Configuration is historized

6 Batch Features Batch History: PIBatch Aliases UnitBatch 1 UnitBatch 2 UnitBatch 3 SubBatch a SubBatch b SubBatch c SubBatch a SubBatch b SubBatch c SubBatch a SubBatch b SubBatch c

7 Batch Features Aliases: \\modulename\aliasname  tag

8 Demo Configuration Tool Batch Search Gantt Chart

9 ProcessBook PI-SDK PINetMgr ArchiveBase Other ClientsDataLink PointsModulesBatchesArchive ConfigurationHistory

10 Products Module Database (server) Includes graphical configuration tools PI-SDK Includes search dialogs Client integration ProcessBook DataLink

11 Batch Products Batch Monitor (server) BatchView add-ins ProcessBook Excel Interfaces to batch execution systems Sigmafine

12 Universal Data Adapter Access to non-PI time series data without copying data into the PI archive

13 PI Server Interface ProcessBook Archive PI Interface Other System Universal Data Adapter 1 2 PI Server ProcessBookCOM Connector Other System 1

14 Purpose Avoid data redundancy Use PI tools with other databases Allow heterogeneous environments

15 UDA Applications PI-ProcessBook, PI-DataLink, PI-ODBC, Sigmafine, … PI interfaces Performance Equations, Totalizer, Alarms, … Any PI-API or PI-SDK program

16 Issues Windows NT/2000 only Performance System management COM Connector development

17 COM Connectors COM Connectors planned by OSI: Honeywell PHD (in field test) OLE-DB AspenTech CIMIO (InfoPlus.21 and others) Published COM interface Tutorial during Developer’s Conference on Thursday

18 No Demo

19 Implications Logical consolidation of disparate systems Migration path for legacy systems PI interfaces for other databases COM Connectors could do calculations instead of data retrieval

20 Web Clients

21 Range of Client Platforms Win32 (ProcessBook, Office, …) Internet Explorer ActiveX Control Container Remote Data Services Data Binding Generic browsers Netscape or Internet Explorer

22 Tradeoffs Performance Ease of management Ease of development

23 XML – why it’s bad Just text  not concise Data & metadata  no methods/events No object lookup  hard-coded links Development tools  text editor

24 XML – why it’s good W3C Recommendation (i.e., standard) Platform independent Unicode Embraced by every major vendor Translatable Development tools will come

25 XML in PI Mostly an internal protocol Can be exploited by programmers

26 PI Server Microsoft IIS PI-ActiveView Server w/VBA 6 PI-SDK Internet Explorer PI-ActiveView 2.12 w/VBA 6 Navigator or IE PI-ActiveView Applet Internet Explorer PI-Trend Control Navigator or IE PI-Trend Applet HTML/JPEG HTML XML PI-API

27 PI Server Any Web Server Internet Explorer PI-ActiveView 2.12 w/VBA 6 HTML PI-API Current Version

28 PI Server Microsoft IIS PI-ActiveView Server w/VBA 6 PI-SDK Navigator or IE PI-ActiveView Applet HTML/JPEG ProcessBook Displays With No Client Components

29 PI-ActiveView Server Limitations: Performance Scalability No dialog boxes Mouse drags not visible

30 PI-ActiveView Server Advantages: No client install Browser/Platform independent VBA-enabled displays VBA not exposed Simple data security

31 PI Server Microsoft IIS PI-ActiveView Server PI-SDK Internet Explorer PI-Trend Control Navigator or IE PI-Trend Applet XML Web Components

32 Web Product Application, not components Allows ad-hoc data analysis Personal and shared displays/pages Graphical and tabular data representation User-defined calculations

33 PI Server Microsoft IIS PI-ActiveView Server w/VBA 6 PI-SDK Internet Explorer PI-ActiveView 2.12 w/VBA 6 Navigator or IE PI-ActiveView Applet Internet Explorer PI-Trend Control Navigator or IE PI-Trend Applet HTML/JPEG HTML XML PI-API

34 Why are these important? Module Database Universal Data Adapter Web-based products Moving common data into the server Server to server integration Web

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