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Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Jason Kaldani Office of Technology Operations and Planning EPA Web Workgroup Conference February.

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Presentation on theme: "Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Jason Kaldani Office of Technology Operations and Planning EPA Web Workgroup Conference February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Jason Kaldani Office of Technology Operations and Planning EPA Web Workgroup Conference February 13, 2008

2 Agenda Introduction What is RSS? Gadgets with Web feeds How does a Web feed work RSS Readers Demonstrations Podcasts as feeds RSS codes for Web Enterprise 2.0: Industrial Standards Possible uses Benefits of RSS Questions

3 What is RSS? RSS is: –A simple XML format which can be understood by a RSS reader in order to collect information from that Web site. –RSS Reader will serve as one- stop place for gathering information automatically from any Web site installed with RSS, such as the latest blog posts that are relevant to your interests. –Also called “Web Feeds” RSS Icon

4 Gadgets with Web feeds

5 How does a Web feed work? Web feeds (RSS) are created in an.xml format document. This document is uploaded to the Web site as a link. RSS Reader will check the link of the.xml document for updates frequently, such as every few seconds or up to 30 minutes. If new Web feeds are added to the XML document, the new updates will be pulled and added to the RSS Reader. Any blog sites, such as WordPress, normally update RSS/Web feeds automatically after posts are added.

6 Web Feed Process 2 3 1

7 RSS Readers Examples: Google Reader (web-based) FeedDemon, NetNewsWire 3.1 for Mac OS X Internet Explorer 7.0 Firefox RSS2email Mobile Readers (

8 Demonstrations EPA Feeds (Internet) Readers/iGoogle

9 Podcasts as feeds National Public Radio – –Mobile supported –Feeds: Podcasts –Create your own podcasts as RSS feeds –Text-only file / transcription must be available on Gov sites as part of 508 requirements.

10 RSS codes for Web The title of my RSS 2.0 Feed This is my rss 2 feed description Mon, 12 Sep 2005 18:37:00 GMT en-us Title of an item Mon, 12 Sep 2005 18:37:00 GMT [CDATA[ This is the description. ]] Then, validate your feed using Source:

11 Enterprise 2.0: Industrial Standards Enterprise 2.0 Solutions: –Intranet / Internet –Feed Server may be required in order to foster a secure environment for information exchange. –Example: Attensa offers this solution to numerous large companies (FedEx, Ford, Avaya, Oracle, and more).

12 Attensa’s Map of RSS

13 Possible Uses? For external sites only: –Ask customers what kind of information they want to subscribe? Regulations? Permitting notices? Climate Changes? What’s New: Each AAShip –i.e.,

14 Benefits of RSS Easier information management Faster and easier access Improves decision-making process quickly Privacy assured –E-mail address not required for subscription –Helps reduce spam e-mails

15 Any Questions? ? Jason Kaldani Office of Technology Operations and Planning

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