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Washington Health Benefit Exchange Outreach Technical Advisory Committee June 13, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington Health Benefit Exchange Outreach Technical Advisory Committee June 13, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington Health Benefit Exchange Outreach Technical Advisory Committee June 13, 2014

2 Meeting Protocol ▪ Open public meeting ▪ Callers are in listen-only mode ▪ Participation limited to Outreach TAC Members ▪ Public comment period at end of meeting ▪ GotoWebinar ▪ Chat feature ▪ Raise your hand ▪ We will unmute committee members (please mute your own phone) 2

3 3 Outreach Technical Advisory Committee Membership Eric EarlingPremera Carrie GloverWithin Reach Julie SeversonNeighborhood House Matthew McColmOffice of Raul Martinez Farmers Insurance Robin HillearyModa Health Sally MildrenCoordinated Care Courtney NormandPlanned Parenthood Votes Northwest Patricia GepertWash. Association of Community and Migrant Health Centers Lionel “Quail” Orr Jr.Omak Tribal Health Programs Suzanne PakCornerstone Medical Services Dr. James PoloMary Bridge Children’s Healthcare Grace SandovalHealthpoint Mary WoodHealth Care Authority

4 Agenda 4 Welcome and HBE Update Outreach and Partnerships Update Healthplanfinder Business Update Lead Org and Broker Partnerships Health Literacy Project Update Questions & Public Comment

5 Washington Health Benefit Exchange Health Benefit Exchange Update June 13, 2014 Kelly Boston

6 HBE Updates ▪ New Board Chair – Ron Sims ▪ Wrapping up special enrollment period ▪ New health carriers and plans ▪ Four new QHP carriers – total of 12 ▪ Reflects 100 QHPs (including Platinum) ▪ Six pediatric dental carriers – 8 plans (high and low) ▪ OIC Approval – then HBE Board approval (August) ▪ Budget development process ▪ Operations – June 16 – first draft for review ▪ HBE Board introduction/review – June 26 6

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9 Enrollment Update TotalTarget QHP167,200138,000 WAH Expansion Group318,100 WAH Previously Eligible163,450 Recertifications496,750 9

10 Advertising/Marketing Survey ▪ Random-digit land and cell phone survey of 1,000+ Washington residents (18-64) ▪ There is a high degree of awareness of and interest in Washington Healthplanfinder ▪ Advertising made a difference in terms of website use, site visits and enrollment ▪ Still work to do among key demographics 10

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14 Washington Health Benefit Exchange Outreach and Partnerships Update June 13, 2014 Pam Cowley

15 15 Helps us find and solve problems fast Keeps us focused and energized Far greater than the sum of our parts Collaboration

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17 17 Partnership Strategy 17 ▪ Connect with those with shared interest ▪ Extension beyond our individual reach ▪ Build trust in the system ▪ Systemic approach for present and future ▪ Maximize resources ▪ Challenge: urgency of great need ▪ Benefit: considerable support ▪

18 18 Strategic Partnerships

19 19 By the Numbers: Partnership Success 19 ▪ 2 million: number of email addresses in partner networks ▪ 400,000: number of educational materials distributed, over 287,000 brochures ▪ 14,000: number of unique page views of outreach toolkit healthcare provider toolkit page most popular ▪ 1,4000: number of Pharmacists that received a toolkit ▪ 5,833: number of AARP Facebook followers reached ▪ 500: number of school nurses reached

20 20 Faith-based Campaign 20 ▪ Considered most successful ▪ Webinar 43 registered and received materials, 22 attendees ▪ 29 Regional Faith Leaders identified ▪ 300+ Faith Leaders contacted ▪ Additional avenues to reach Limited English residents you/partners/faith-based-toolkit/

21 21 Activate: Employment Security Campaign 21 Help new benefit claimants understand their health insurance options ▪ Letter insert in new claimant packet ▪ Toolkit to support decisionmaking ▪ Training for WorkSource staff ▪ Solidify partnerships with Lead Organizations and partners

22 22 Activate: Own Your Health 22 ▪ Washington Health Alliance ▪ Engage on the topic of prevention ▪ Cross-pollinate value accessing health insurance, and using it to optimize health and longevity ▪ Media campaign to generate buzz and earned media ▪ Promote health literacy project ▪

23 23 Activate: Tribal Campaign 23 ▪ Assess Materials for cross-cultural messaging ▪ Develop a toolkit for Urban Indians ▪ Webinar cultural competencies and best practices in working with Tribes ▪ Media and marketing for earned media and social media ▪

24 Next Steps ▪ Engagement Reconnect with 117 Exchange partners Build select new partnerships Prioritize based on mission and involvement ▪ Summer Campaigns and Pre-Enrollment Re-enrollments Special enrollments Outreach to harder to reach 24

25 Washington Health Benefit Exchange Healthplanfinder Business Update June 13, 2014 Kristi Stickland

26 2015 Business Carriers 26 Kaiser NW: Clark and Cowlitz counties MODA Health: Statewide Plans and rates filed with OIC on May 1, 2014

27 Healthplanfinder Business Communications Plan 27 Currently conducting small business and producer survey with GMMB Survey results will guide development of marketing and communications plan Researching potential earned media opportunities SHOP Department is working with other TACs to define key focus areas and value proposition Launch statewide program on October 1, 2014

28 Washington Health Benefit Exchange Lead Org and Broker Partnerships June 13, 2014 Wes Luckey, Dorothy Bradshaw, Kerry Dobbelare

29 Lead Orgs Working with Brokers 29 Wes Luckey, Benton Franklin Community Action Committee Dorothy Bradshaw, Whatcom Alliance for Health Advancement Kerry Dobbelare, Kitsap Public Health District

30 Washington Health Benefit Exchange Health Literacy Project Update June 13, 2014 Pam Cowley

31 TAC Check-In 31 What is working or not working for you? What resources or networks should we be leveraging? What can we improve upon moving forward? Where are gaps?

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