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Day 1: Preview Define: Destiny Land Acquired between 1783-1867.

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2 Day 1: Preview Define: Destiny

3 Land Acquired between 1783-1867


5 What is Manifest Destiny?? Comes from ideas of American Exceptionalism: –America is unique and different in a good way from the rest of the world Moral superiority Continentalism: We should own the continent Religious and Racial overtones! –Belief that we are a Christian nation, and god wants us to Pagan Indians have no right to the land they live on –Belief in the superiority of Anglo-Saxon people over Indians

6 Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny: belief that the United States had a mission to expand its borders from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean

7 Early Manifest Destiny Background Info.: After the French-Indian War, Great Britain put land west of the Appalachians off limits  Proclamation Line of 1763 But, who stands to loose if the lands are reserved for Native Americans? And, who benefits?

8 Proclamation Line – What was it? Resulted from Revolutionary War –Why did we fight it? Land speculators wanted to take land West of the Ohio Valley Replaced the King with a government of businessmen –To benefit the businessmen

9 Western Expansion  Americans spill west over the Appalachians  Settle in “Old Northwest”  Slaveholders help establish first slave free zone  Move into French Louisiana  Napoleon is busy in Europe  Offers to sell for money $15 million/.42 cents per acre  Why should the US purchase Louisiana?

10 Cherokee Removal Cherokee Indians live in huge area of land –Had given up much to remain in homeland Why would whites want Cherokee land? Problem for US: literate, had alphabet, newspaper, settled Removed by President Jackson –“Trail of Tears” (1836- 1839)

11 Day 2: Q & A Session: 1)What 2 ideas was Manifest Destiny based on? 2)What was Manifest Destiny? 3)What 2 groups benefitted from Manifest Destiny? WARNING: PLEASE see US map on the back side of your notes, and follow directions as you view the next few slides. There will be a Homework assignment connected to this information!

12 Texas War of Independence  Americans began moving into Texas in the 1820’s and brought their slaves with them.  War fought by Texans against Mexico because they believed their rights had been violated.  Won by Texans in 1836 and requests to enter the U.S.

13  President Jackson and Van Buren refused to recognize Texas statehood because of slavery.  Texas became its own country from 1836 to 1845.  Texas entered as a U.S. state in 1845. Texas War of Independence

14 Mexican War

15 Causes Manifest Destiny California Texas statehood, 1845 Mexico refusing to sell California Border disputeEffects US receives Mexican Cession (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) Disputes over expansion of slavery will lead to the Civil War

16 Oregon dispute Treaty with Great Britain in 1846Treaty with Great Britain in 1846 President Polk campaign slogan was 54,40 or fight…President Polk campaign slogan was 54,40 or fight… Compromised with British and divided the Oregon Country at the 49 th parallelCompromised with British and divided the Oregon Country at the 49 th parallel Resources?Resources?

17 Winners, losers? Check Your Notes! Land speculators: –Can sell land to settlers for a profit Slaveholders: –Expand slavery into new territory 2 Senators per state! US Government: –Increases power –If we have it, they don’t –Many gov’t officials are land speculators or slaveholders Settlers: –Get their own land Who loses?

18 DBQ “O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!” 1.How does this song promote the idea of Manifest Destiny? 2.From where does America get the authority to spread across the continent? 3.How could this song affect children’s image of the US?

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