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South Parkway Refinement Plan F Context of the plan F Goals of the plan F Major issues F Parkway/Third Street alternatives F City of Bend, ODOT assess.

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Presentation on theme: "South Parkway Refinement Plan F Context of the plan F Goals of the plan F Major issues F Parkway/Third Street alternatives F City of Bend, ODOT assess."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Parkway Refinement Plan F Context of the plan F Goals of the plan F Major issues F Parkway/Third Street alternatives F City of Bend, ODOT assess alternatives F Next steps

2 Goals of S. Pkwy Refinement Plan F Eliminate the last three signals on the South Parkway (Powers Road; Pinebrook Boulevard; South Third Street) F Ensure east-west connectivity across the Parkway for vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians

3 South Parkway Plan Major Issues F Access to Parkway vs. mobility on Parkway F Potential location of local grid streets F Impacts to residential neighborhoods F Impacts to commercial lots by Third F Fate of split-zoned lots to west of Parkway F Timing, funding of identified improvements

4 S. Pkwy: General Location Study Area

5 South Parkway Traffic GoaIs F Accommodate free-flow movements from Third Street to Parkway F Utilize local streets to link neighborhoods west of Parkway to businesses along Third Street and points east F Develop a network of frontage roads and city grid streets to let local traffic circulate through the area without using Parkway

6 Traffic GoaIs (con’t) F Resolve access issues to vacant properties south of Murphy and west of Parkway F Determine whether to continue to allow all crossing and/or turning movements at intersection of 97 and China Hat-Ponderosa

7 South Parkway Land Use Goals F Minimize disruption to neighborhoods by utilizing existing streets, “stubbed out” streets, or rights of way F Look at possibility of mixed-use zoning for large vacant parcels F Ensure development is consistent with Oregon Highway Plan F Maintain compatibility with zoning

8 Items Common to All Alternatives u Grade-separated interchange @ Powers u Badger Road disconnected from Pkwy u Pinebrook disconnected from Pkwy on west u Murphy Road realigned to south u Murphy Road crosses over Parkway u Murphy Road extended to Brookswood

9 Items Common to All (con’t.) u Frontage road from Blakely going south to Ponderosa on west side of Parkway u Romaine Village Way disconnected from 97 u Northbound slip lane from 97 to Third Street u Ponderosa-China Hat/97 either a right-in, right-out or an overcrossing

10 South Parkway: Alternative A F Loop ramps to/from Parkway F Allows all movements to/from Parkway & Third St. F Emphasizes local access

11 South Parkway: Alternative A F Murphy/Third has a V/C of 1.24 F Southbound free-right gets V/C to 0.67, but disadvantages pedestrians F Queueing at Pinebrook/Third for 15-35% of peak hour

12 South Parkway: Alternative H F Flyover ramp from S/B Third to S/B 97 F Accommodates fewest range of movements F Emphasizes mobility of through traffic

13 South Parkway: Alternative H F Murphy/Third has V/C of 0.65 F Southbound queueing problems 20-35% of time @ Third/Powers in peak hour F Model shows local traffic shifts from Parkway to Powers

14 S. Pkwy: Alternative H-Modified F Flyover ramp from S/B Third to S/B 97 F S/B only off ramp from Parkway to frontage road F Balances local and through traffic

15 S. Pkwy: Alternative H-Modified F Murphy Road/Third Street has V/C of 0.65 F Least queueing problems of all alternatives F Model shows slightly better distribution of traffic compared to others

16 Consistent with Goals, Policies u City rankings for Comp Plan, TSP goals: ¶ Alternative A · Alternative H Modified ¸ Alternative H u ODOT rankings for Oregon Hwy Plan: ¶ Alternative H · Alternative H Modified ¸ Alternative A

17 ODOT, City Continue to Discuss Alternatives A, H, H-Modified u Access to Parkway u Mobility on Parkway u Location of frontage roads, city streets u Consistency with policies in City’s comprehensive plan, Oregon Highway Plan u Public comments relate to proximity to suggested alternative(s)

18 South Parkway Next Steps F Informational presentation to Bend City Council F Based on today’s OTC briefing and Bend City Council input, select final preferred alternative F Formal adoption of preferred alternative by OTC F Amend City of Bend’s TSP

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