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Force and Motion Jeopardy

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1 Force and Motion Jeopardy
Force, Work in motion, Friction, and Six Simple Machines 3rd grade

2 Another word for a push or a pull.
Vocabulary for $100 Another word for a push or a pull. FORCE

3 Vocabulary for $200 Another word for a ramp. INCLINED PLANE

4 This simple machine consists of a moving inclined plane.
Vocabulary for $300 This simple machine consists of a moving inclined plane. WEDGE

5 A simple machine consisting of an arm resting on a fulcrum.
Vocabulary for $400 A simple machine consisting of an arm resting on a fulcrum. LEVER

6 Vocabulary for $500 A simple machine consisting of an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder. SCREW

7 The only simple machine that does not move.
Vocabulary for $600 DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!! The only simple machine that does not move. INCLINED PLANE

8 Vocabulary for $700 A simple machine consisting of a wheel to which an axle has been attached. WHEEL AND AXLE

9 This is a force that resists motion.
Vocabulary for $800 This is a force that resists motion. FRICTION

10 Vocabulary for $900 A simple machine consisting of a grooved wheel that holds a rope and spins around a stationary axle. PULLEY

Vocabulary for $1000 What is a tradeoff? LESS FORCE OVER GREATER DISTANCE

12 How are a pulley and a wheel and axle similar?
Work for $100 How are a pulley and a wheel and axle similar? BOTH HAVE A WHEEL AND AXLE.

13 Work for $200 When working with gears, which wheel will always turn faster, the large wheel and or the small wheel? SMALLER WHEEL

14 Work for $300 It was easiest to lift the load when the fulcrum was located where on the lever? CLOSEST TO THE LOAD

15 Ancient Egyptians made work easier by using what two things?
Work for $400 Double jeopardy!!!! Ancient Egyptians made work easier by using what two things? LOGS (or wheels) AND AN INCLINED PLANE

Work for $500 A longer incline plane makes work easier than a shorter one because the tradeoff is… LESS FORCE OVER GREATER DISTANCE

17 What are the three things you need to do work?
Work for $600 What are the three things you need to do work? OBJECT, FORCE, and MOTION

18 How does using a roller or wheels make it easier to move things?
Work for $700 How does using a roller or wheels make it easier to move things? REDUCES FRICTION

19 Work for $800 If you use a lubricant, such as oil, onto a surface, moving the load will take… LESS FORCE

20 Does it take more force to lift a book 1 in. or 12 in. off the floor?
Work for $900 Does it take more force to lift a book 1 in. or 12 in. off the floor? THE SAME

21 Work for $1000 If the amount of friction is greater than the amount force, the object will not… MOVE

22 Identification for $100 SCREW

23 Identification for $200 WHEEL AND AXLE

24 Identification for $300 Double Jeopardy!!! and ATTRACT and REPEL

25 Identification for $400 LEVER

26 Identification for $500 FIXED and MOVEABLE PULLEY

27 Identification for $600 WEDGE

28 Identification for $700 WHEEL AND AXLE

29 Identification for $800 GEARS

30 Identification for $900 INCLINED PLANE

31 Identification for $1000 INCLINED PLANE and WHEEL and AXLE
Two simple machines INCLINED PLANE and WHEEL and AXLE

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