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Bell Ringer: Interview Response Interview the person sitting beside you and write a brief summary describing them. Give at least 3 things about them!

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer: Interview Response Interview the person sitting beside you and write a brief summary describing them. Give at least 3 things about them!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer: Interview Response Interview the person sitting beside you and write a brief summary describing them. Give at least 3 things about them!

2 Mrs. Roeder Algebra B & Algebra 2 Welcome!

3 Welcome to Algebra!  We will be going over classroom procedures and policies.  If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand.

4 All About Me  My background  I grew up in Albertville.  I attended Albertville High, and graduated from Jacksonville State University. Then I received my Master’s from the University of Alabama.  I have a wonderful husband, Matt and a son named Eli. I also have two dogs named Axle and Blitz.  My experience  I’ve been teaching for 5 years.

5 Supplies Needed  three ring binder  3-4 tab dividers  pencils ( NO PENS ALLOWED )  loose paper ( NO SPIRALS, PLEASE )  graph paper  scientific calculator; Alg 2- graphing calculator is recommended  Optional Supplies for the classroom:  Kleenex  dry erase markers (both thin line and thick for small group)  germ-x

6 Before Class  Go to the restroom; you will not be allowed to leave the classroom once you have entered  Get all materials out of your locker that you will need  Enter the classroom quietly and begin Bell Ringer.

7 Bell Ringer  When you enter the room, immediately begin the Bell Ringer.  Bell Ringers are posted on the Smart board or side board.  It will be on material that we have previously covered or it will be related to what we will cover in that days lesson.  You will turn in Bell Ringers every two weeks for a grade.

8 Leaving the Room  I will dismiss you from the room.  You must be in your seat  Each row must be clean and in order before students will be dismissed.

9 Required Materials  You need to bring to class daily:  Your Textbook: we will occasionally have book checks throughout the year  Calculator: you are required to have a calculator Notebook: your notebook will be divided into three sections: Bell Ringer; Notes; and Homework  Pencils: your classwork must be done in pencil; I will not grade work done in pen

10 Notebook  Your notebook needs to be divided into three sections: bell ringer; hw; and notes; classwork (optional)  HW will be labeled: ex: HW #1…  You need to date and label all work.  EX: 1.2 CW

11 Grading Policy All work is graded on the point system. Total Points/Points Possible  Test: you will have a test every 3 to 4 lessons; all section tests are 100 points, but Chapter Tests are 150 points (multiple choice).  Quizzes: quizzes are 20 to 50 points  Homework: you will have homework just about every night; your homework will be graded every day. HW is worth 5 points each (effort).  If we have 20 HW assignments that is like a test grade.  On the third homework zero, you will start getting detention. On the sixth homework zero you get an office referral.  Classwork: classwork will be worksheets; chapter reviews and group activities.

12 Classroom Guidelines  1. Arrive on time.  Be in your seat when the bell rings.  Begin the bell ringer  2. Come prepared for class.  3. Respect others property and ideas.  4. Raise your hand before speaking. Discipline problems will be handled as follows:  1st: a verbal warning  2nd: a parent contact  3rd: detention/discipline referral to the office

13 Rules  No food.  Your trash belongs in the trash can; not the floor.  Sharpen your pencils before class starts.  Do not get out of your seat during the lesson.

14 Turn-In Procedures  You will turn your work into the correct basket in the back of the classroom.  All graded material will be given back to you to be kept in your notebook except for tests.  Make-up work is your responsibility.

15 Class Website Click Teacher and Staff Directory then Alisha Roeder  All lessons and assignments will be posted at the end of each day.

16 I truly believe in your potential and I know that you have the ability to succeed! Have an awesome year! Mrs. Roeder

17 After Activity: 3-2-1 3 important details from today 2 things you liked about Alg 1 1 question you still have

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