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Ron Hyman State Registrar.  Past  Pre-LEAN process (issue)  Volume (provides scope)  Now  Post-LEAN process  Category  Metric type  Outcome 

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Presentation on theme: "Ron Hyman State Registrar.  Past  Pre-LEAN process (issue)  Volume (provides scope)  Now  Post-LEAN process  Category  Metric type  Outcome "— Presentation transcript:

1 Ron Hyman State Registrar

2  Past  Pre-LEAN process (issue)  Volume (provides scope)  Now  Post-LEAN process  Category  Metric type  Outcome  Past versus current metric

3  Past  All transactions received a receipt as well as an informational insert (8.5 x 11 each).  56,000 transactions /year  Now  Informational insert is preprinted on back of receipt  Increased efficiency  Metric  Paper sheets per transaction  Outcome  Reduced from 2 to 1

4  Past  4,938 (4.4%) of birth applications were returned to customers in 2011. Most rejected due to missing signature and/or ID  5,000/year  Now  Signature box highlighted and instructions moved to top of the form  Increased Communication  Metric  Percent of rejections  Outcome  Reduced rejections to 3% (1,566 fewer rejections

5  Past  Information shared at individual unit staff meetings  4 meetings/week  Now  Established internal broadcast notification for sharing information to all staff in one central format  Increased communication  Metric  Number of consolidated communications  Outcome  One communication per week

6  Past  Four forms plus individual instructions needed when deputizing a new local registrar  Now  Forms consolidated into one PDF, including instructions and FAQ’s  Increased communication  Metric  Forms per new deputization  Outcome  One form per deputization

7  Past  A laptop computer used for trainings, paper forms used for site visits  10 formal site visits/year  Now  iPad used for trainings, questionnaire entered in iPad and local registrar reviews and signs in real time  Cost avoidance  Metric  Cycle time to complete site visit documentation  Outcome  Reduce from 2 months to 1 day

8  Pick issues that provide measurable improvements  Doesn’t have to be huge to have an impact  Small improvements add up in cost savings and reduced staff time  Documents improvements for decision makers

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