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Federal-aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal-aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal-aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies

2 Presentation Overview Why Federal-aid Essentials? What Is Federal-aid Essentials? Cross-Cutting Team The Challenge The Tool Our Guiding Philosophy Web Site Library of Video Modules Companion Resources What’s Next? 2

3 Why Federal-aid Essentials? Consolidates Federal Highway Program information Ensures Federal-aid requirements are met on LPA-administered projects You may have heard of the Khan Academy “.ORG” 3

4 What is Federal-aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies? A central hub of information LPAs can use to understand the Federal-aid Highway Program requirements:  Web site  Videos  Takeaways 4

5 Federal-aid Essentials Development Process External user groups  LPA representatives provided feedback on content and design  November 2011 & May 2012 sessions Internal quality control  Input from FHWA field personnel  Subject matter experts  Policy experts – program office and legal reviews  Independent Assurance reviews – DFS, PMIT & LPA program office 5 Thank you Donna Shea, Dan Cady and others!!!

6 Cross-Cutting Team 6 Core team of dedicated staff FHWA Office of Technical Services Subject matter experts from HQ & field Materials reviewed by FHWA Program Offices, Chief Counsel and Public Affairs

7 The Challenge 7 Complex system Diverse users Funding responsibilities Regulations

8 The Challenge Complex system Local governments – primarily counties, cities & towns, or LPAs–own and operate about 75 percent, or roughly 2.9 million miles, of the Nation’s highway network Diverse usersFunding responsibilities Regulations

9 The Challenge Complex system Diverse users There are more than 28,000 cities, towns & counties: some with extensive Federal-aid experience and others with none Funding responsibilitiesRegulations

10 The Challenge Complex system Diverse users Funding responsibilities LPAs entrusted with $7 billion 15% of our Federal-aid program Regulations

11 The Challenge Complex system Diverse users Funding responsibilities Regulations Federal requirements scattered among various Web sites and manuals Sometimes difficult to decipher

12 Our Guiding Philosophy 12 Easily accessible Easy to understand Self paced Available anytime

13 Our Guiding Philosophy 13 Easily accessible VirtualVirtual TransportableTransportable Available anywhere with internet access: Desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phoneAvailable anywhere with internet access: Desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone FreeFree Easy to understand Self paced Available anytime

14 Our Guiding Philosophy 14 Easily accessible Easy to understand One topic per moduleOne topic per module Helpful graphics and examplesHelpful graphics and examples Plain language takes the guesswork out of understandingPlain language takes the guesswork out of understanding Self paced Available anytime

15 Our Guiding Philosophy 15 Easily accessible Easy to understand Self paced Watch what you want when you want as many times as you wantWatch what you want when you want as many times as you want In order or in YOUR orderIn order or in YOUR order Available anytime

16 Our Guiding Philosophy 16 Easily accessible Easy to understand Self paced Available anytime On demandOn demand 24/724/7 Web site links to our YouTube channel–no firewalls or passwordsWeb site links to our YouTube channel–no firewalls or passwords

17 The Tool: Federal-aid Essentials Robust Web site Vast library of videos Companion resource for each video Self paced Easy to understand Available anytime 17

18 Federal-aid Essentials Web Site Central information hub State DOT resources Feedback mechanism Subscriber alerts 18

19 Library of Video Modules Topics selected based on identified risks Organized around the normal steps of Federal-aid highway program activities Modules cover 7 main topic areas Each video 10 minutes or less Concise content provided in plain language 19

20 State and LTAP Resources 20 State Coordinators State Manuals State Web Page FHWA Division Office Contact LTAP Center contact information

21 Companion Resources Takeaways – printable resources and extra information, includes text of video content Additional web links are posted for other resources, such as:  The main FHWA program page  The applicable CFR section  Existing FAQs and more 21

22 A Peek Inside the Library 22

23 What’s Next? Communications toolkit provided to internal messengers such as LPA coordinators Developing a thumb drive to share Consideration of Phase 2 Partnerships with key stakeholders Official Launch of the website at APWA’s National Congress: AUGUST 27th 23

24 Who Can I Call? Federal-aid Essentials Project Managers  Rob Elliott 404.562.3941  Carin Michel 410.962.2530 24

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