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Human Performance Training and Job Aids for Nuclear Materials Applications William S. Brown Brookhaven National Laboratory November 25, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Performance Training and Job Aids for Nuclear Materials Applications William S. Brown Brookhaven National Laboratory November 25, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Performance Training and Job Aids for Nuclear Materials Applications William S. Brown Brookhaven National Laboratory November 25, 2007

2 Background: Need to Provide a Human Performance Perspective  Staff need to understand risk-important human failures in the context of activities employing nuclear material  Knowledge of human performance considerations varies; gained principally by experience  Need to augment and ‘level’ the human performance expertise  The resources provided should be specific to particular uses, yet general enough to support dealing with new technologies

3 Objectives in Developing the Human Performance Perspective  The resources should support different aims, e.g.: prospective - technical basis for judgments in novel circumstances - anticipate what’s important short of harm being done retrospective - event investigations - evaluation of corrective actions  Human performance information must be in a readily usable form (by staff without extensive experience)  Develop first for a particular medical modality proof of concept expand to other modalities and eventually to industrial uses

4 Format/Features of ‘Job Aids’?  Interviews and discussions with representative prospective users  Review of reported events that prospective users deal with  Various alternative formats suggested brief synopses of relevant human performance topics discussion of events from human performance perspective annotation of event reports decomposition of tasks with respect to human errors a series of questions that lead user to relevant issues

5 Job Aids and Knowledge Sources Human Performance Knowledge One Pagers Prompts Error Narratives Task Breakdowns Error Discussions Nuclear Material Uses Information/Analyses

6 Implementation of Job Aids  Multiple purposes various entry points flexible paths through the content  Scope to be expanded adding uses beyond the test bed adding content as it becomes available  Requirements imply… search, indexing hypertext  Use of HATs (Help Authoring Tools ) ease of creating content familiarity with interaction style


8 Contents of Training  Initial approach general review of human performance concepts context-specific information on relevant topics - automation - checking - staffing contents and features of the job aid  Feedback “How do we go from where we are to where we want to be?” “What do we do differently?” “Like to see case studies” topic presentation too detailed, lengthy?

9 Contents of Training (Take 2)  Use the job aid to provide information on specific human performance topics reference material number of topics can increase as coverage expands  Add examples and practical exercises to demonstrate what is to be done differently  Use training to convey a preferred way of thinking about human performance and the causes of events a few ‘understandings’ - not the typical approach the ‘new view’ of human error; resilience engineering

10 Lessons for HPI Implementation  Establish resources and means to access them don’t try to train everybody on everything put things where people can get to them  Train understandings not details details may not be used regularly, likely to be forgotten  Emphasize practical differences identify specific activities where HPI will make a difference - work planning, work observations, event analysis show what exactly you want people to do differently  Concentrate on things done more often more effective in changing the ‘culture’ upstream activities make more of a difference

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