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Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 1 PHENIX Highlights II Photons, Hadronization and Thermalization Matthias Grosse Perdekamp – UIUC and RBRC.

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Presentation on theme: "Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 1 PHENIX Highlights II Photons, Hadronization and Thermalization Matthias Grosse Perdekamp – UIUC and RBRC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 1 PHENIX Highlights II Photons, Hadronization and Thermalization Matthias Grosse Perdekamp – UIUC and RBRC for the PHENIX Collaboration I: Propagation of Partons in a Colored Medium John Lajoie, Iowa State University II: Photons, Hadronization and Thermalization Photons Thermalization Di-Leptons The Baryon Anomaly

2 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 2 From Budapest to Shanghai Partonic Matter: PHENIX Evidence Published (1) Centrality dependence of direct photon production in √s = 200 GeV Au + Au collisions Phys.Rev.Lett.94:232301,2005 (2) Modifications to di-jet hadron pair correlations in Au+Au collisions at √s = 200 GeV Phys.Rev.Lett.97:052301,2006 (3) J/psi production and nuclear effects for d+Au and p+p collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV Phys.Rev.Lett.96:012304,2006 (4) Single electrons from heavy flavor decays in p+p collisions at √s = 200-GeV Phys.Rev.Lett.96:032001,2006 (5) Measurement of identified π 0 and inclusive photon v 2 and implication to the direct photon production in √s NN = 200-GeV Au+Au collisions. Phys.Rev.Lett.96:032302,2006 (6) Jet structure from di-hadron correlations in d+Au collisions at √s NN = 200-GeV Phys.Rev.C73:054903,2006. (7) Nuclear modification of electron spectra and implications for heavy quark energy loss in Au+Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV Phys.Rev.Lett.96:032301,2006 (8) Common suppression pattern of eta and π 0 mesons at high transverse momentum in Au+Au collisions at √S NN = 200 GeV Phys.Rev.Lett.96:202301,2006 (9)Nuclear effects on hadron production in d+Au and p+p collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV Phys.Rev.C74:024904,2006 (10) Azimuthal angle correlations for rapidity separated hadron pairs in d + Au Collisions at √sNN = 200-GeV Phys.Rev.Lett.96:222301,2006 (11) Jet properties from di-hadron correlations in p+p collisions at √s = 200 GeV Phys.Rev.D74:072002,2006

3 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 3 Quark Matter 2006: Exploring the matter New PHENIX Results (1) Measurement of direct photon production in p + p collisions at √s = 200 GeV. hep-ex/0609031 (2) Measurement of single muons at forward rapidity in p+p collisions at √s = 200-GeV and implications for charm production. hep-ex/0609032 (3) High transverse momentum eta meson production in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV nucl-ex/0611006 (4) A detailed study of high-p T neutral pion suppression and azimuthal anisotropy in Au+Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV nucl-ex/0611007 (5) Energy loss and flow of heavy quarks in Au+Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV nucl-ex/0611018 (6) J/psi production in p+p collisions at √s = 200 GeV nucl-ex/0611020 (7) System size and energy dependence of jet induced hadron pair correlation shapes in Cu-Cu and Au-Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV nucl-ex/0611019 (8) J/psi production in Au+Au collisions at √s = 200 GeV nucl-ex/0611020 (9) Pair production of protons and anti-protons in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV nucl-ex/0611016 The past week on nucl-ex … Nov. 9

4 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 4 Exploring Partonic Matter with High Luminosity in PHENIX 2006 Hadron Blind Detector low mass di-electrons Reaction Plane Detector improved reaction plane eg. v 2 (γ) TOF-West hadron anomaly Forward EMC (MPC) low x, initial state 2006- 2009 Silicon Vertex Tracker heavy quark physics, jets Muon trigger heavy flavor trigger 2008 – 2011 Forward Vertex Tracker heavy quark physics, jets Nosecone Calorimeter jets, γ-jet, heavy quark physics RHIC II  10 x Luminosity complete funded PHENIX upgrades Driven by growing interest: Year --- Institutions --- Participants 2001 53 420 2003 57 460 2006 68 550

5 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 5 The PHENIX Collaboration QM 2006 20 talks 45 posters

6 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 6 Run 4 ∫Ldt Extends Direct Photons Direct Photon Spectra vs Centrality extend to high p T 1 < p T < 20 GeV Min. Bias 0-10% 08-92% high p T Tadaaki Isobe Sun 2:00pm

7 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 7 Direct  R AA at 200 GeV Direct g R AA with measured p+p reference data η π 0 Tadaaki Isobe Sun 2:00pm

8 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 8 Direct Photons at Low p T QM 2005: Data consistent with thermal+ NLO pQCD pQCD uncertain at low p T Gordon and Vogelsang Phys. Rev. D48, 3136 (1993) Thermal d’Enterria, Perresounko Eur.Phys.J.C46:451-464,2006 (a) New experimental method for the measurement of direct photons  external conversion from beam pipe (b) p-p and d-Au reference data: work in progress.

9 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 9 Low p T  new conversion method Dmitri Peressounko, Sat 5:20pm Direct Photons, Au+Au at 200 GeV External conversions Internal Conversions o New measurement with external conversions o Improved systematics o Agreement with previous results

10 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 10 Photons o Extended range to high and low p T o Previous low p T analysis confirmed o Started jet-photon correlations

11 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 11 Flow for Light Hadrons is “Perfect” v 2 scales with the transverse kinetic energy! Arkadij Taranenko Sun 2:20 pm

12 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 12 Flow: Light Quarks → Strange → Charm Scaling flow para- meters by quark content n q resolves meson-baryon sepa- ration of final state hadrons baryons mesons Arkadij Taranenko Sun 2:20 pm

13 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 13 mesons vs baryons  flow scales with n q Flow: Light Quarks → Strange → Charm Arkadij Taranenko Sun 2:20 pm

14 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 14 ( 1) Consistent with c-quark thermalization (2) large cross section is needed in AMPT ~10 mb (3) Resonance state of D & B in sQGP  indicates quark level thermalization & strong coupling [PRC72,024906] [PRC73,034913] [Phys.Lett. B595 202-208 ] Shingo Sakai Sat 5:20pm Flow: Light Quarks → Strange → Charm

15 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 15 Flow o Scaling properties consistent with ideal fluid hydrodynamics o Consistent with quark level thermalization and strong coupling o Observe flow for light, strange, and charm quarks q What else can we do with charm ?

16 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 16 Di-Leptons in the Intermediate Region (IMR) IMR cc  ee data Sarah Campbell, Sun 5:20pm

17 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 17 PHENIX Preliminary Di-lepton pairs: Centrality Dependence 0-10% -- central60-100% -- peripheral PHENIX Preliminary Sarah Campbell, Sun 5:20pm

18 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 18 Nuclear Modification in Charm New to Quark Matter 2006 Sarah Campbell, Sun 5:20pm Dielectron: R CP in Charm Region 1.4< m ee < 2.8 GeV/c 2 Single Electron: R AA at low and high p T Similar charm suppression patterns R CP for 1.4 < m ee < 2.8 GeV/c 2, Au-Au

19 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 19 Nuclear Modification in Charm Dielectron: R CP in Charm Region1.4< m ee < 2.8 GeV/c 2 J/Psi: RAA Similar charm suppression patterns New to Quark Matter 2006 PHENIX preliminary Sarah Campbell, Sun 5:20pm R CP for 1.4 < m ee < 2.8 GeV/c 2, Au-Au

20 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 20 ω  e + e -, π 0 π + π -,π 0 γ in pp, dAu and AuAu p+pAu+Aud+Au ω  e + e - Au+Au √s NN =200 GeV ρ, ω,   e + e - p+p √s=200 GeV hadronic leptonic PHENIX Preliminary Yuriy Riabov, Sun 2:20pm  0  +  - (  0  ) p+p √s =200 GeV d+Au √s NN =200 GeV  0  Au+Au √s NN =200 GeV PHENIX mapped out high p T ω in p+p, d+Au & produced a first result in Au+Au ω,   e + e - in p+p are not ready yet, but the signal there is very clean

21 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 21 Di-Leptons o First centrality dependence available o Charm suppression in this channel o Omega and Phi spectra

22 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 22 Multiplicity Fluctuation: Universal Scaling All points are scaled to match the 200 GeV Au+Au data curve to illustrate the scaling. 0.2<p T <2.0 GeV/c 0.2<p T <0.75 GeV/c s 2 / m 2 α N part -1.40±0.03 Jeff Mitchell, Sun 5:00pm

23 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 23 Medium Properties: Source Size Pion radii scale w/ mult. across system/energy Consistent with freeze-out scenario Poster: Akitomo Enokizono

24 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 24 Masahiro Konno, Sun 2:20 pm Increased ∫Ldt and PID p/  vs centrality, Au+Au, √s = 200 GeV p/  - p/  (pbar/  ) ratios seem to turn over at intermediate p T, and close to the value of fragmentation at higher p T. - Consitent with expectations from recombination - Indicating transition from soft to hard at intermediate p T.

25 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 25 p/  - p/  + ratios vs  s NN, central Tatsuya Chujo, Sat 3:00 pm Ratios constant in pp p/  - increases in AA vs √s p/  + decreases in AA

26 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 26 p & p Near Side Correlations Baryon Associated with p-p pairs _ _ opposite sign pairs: CORRELATED same sign pairs: NO CORRELATION Anne Sickles, Wed. 4:00 pm

27 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 27  0 R AA in Cu+Cu at different √s NN Comparison of  0 in Cu+Cu for 22, 62, 200 GeV Suppression increases with energy RHIC High luminosity + flexibility to vary collisions systems + energies Baldo Sahlmueller, Sun 2:00pm

28 Quark Matter 2006 - Shanghai, China - Slide 28 Conclusions Direct Photons Extended range to high and low p T Previous low p T analysis confirmed Started Jet photon correlations Flow Observed flow for light, strange, and charm quarks Observed scaling properties consistent with ideal fluid hydrodynamics Di-Leptons First centrality dependence available Charm suppression in this channel ? Baryon anomaly Baryon/meson studies extended to hard region, ratio returns to vacuum expectation PHENIX is well positioned to explore the sQGP with high luminosity and improved detector capabilities

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