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HOMEWORK Re-Turn in your Chapter 9 Review to your box! No late work will be accepted.

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1 HOMEWORK Re-Turn in your Chapter 9 Review to your box! No late work will be accepted.


3 Chapter 10: A Blending of Cultures Section 3: Spanish-Speaking South America

4 Today’s preview Chapter 10, Section 3 UPDATE ON TOURISM PROJECT! – Due-dates: Tues 10-6 / Wed 10-7 Lecture – History – Economics – Present-day culture Current Events in South America Post-test Closure

5 Objectives By the end of class today, you should be able to do the following: 1.Identify the cultural mosaic of South America. 2.Explain economic resources and trade. 3.Describe the future prospects in South America. 4.Discuss current events in Latin America.

6 Topic 1: History of South America

7 South America is divided into two groupings – Spanish-speaking countries – Brazil Political/religious division Two parts of South America

8 Papal Line of Demarcation

9 Inca civilization Lived in the Andes Mountains – Biggest settlements were in Peru Conquered other tribes to build an empire

10 Inca

11 Inca civilization

12 Here come the Spanish Francisco Pizarro meets the Incas Enslaved the natives, but laws guaranteed some rights and protection Laws were ignored by landlords

13 Francisco Pizarro

14 Quechua Inca language Spanish conquerors imposed Spanish language Quechua still exists in some areas

15 Quechua

16 Portuguese exploration Patagonia: The region at the bottom of South America – Series of highland steppes – “Tierra del Fuego” at the tip Magellan: first circumnavigation of the Earth – He didn’t make it

17 Strait of Magellan

18 Independence Movements Physical Geography made it hard to govern Countries won independence from Spain in early 1800’s

19 Topic 2: Economics

20 Governments South America has a problem with bad governments Oligarchies: rule by a few people Authoritarianism: stresses obedience to authority over individual freedom

21 Economics Region has varied industries – Mining – Fishing – Farming – Ranching “Mercosur” trade group Strength of economy varies by country

22 Mercosur

23 Topic 3: Present-day culture

24 Cultural Mosaic South America is culturally complex Arts and Crafts are predominant in the region – Folk art – Household goods

25 Folk Art




29 Musical styles Rock: very similar to rock in the United States – América, Tiro de Gracia América, Tiro de Gracia Tango: intimate, rhythmic dance of South America – Milonga Milonga – TAKE THE LEAD TAKE THE LEAD Zamba: national dance of Argentina, stately – NIÑA, BAILA LA ZAMBA NIÑA, BAILA LA ZAMBA

30 Economies South America produces a wide variety of products – Crops – Petroleum – Fishing – Minerals – Grains – Livestock

31 the Future Higher literacy rates than most of the rest of Latin America – What could this suggest about South America’s economic prospects? – What does this mean for health care? Most countries support colleges and higher education

32 Topic 4: Current Events

33 Current Events Divide into groups, read your article and answer the following questions as a group: 1.What is the main Latin American country discussed in your article? 2.Can you find it on a map of South America? 3.Who are the major people/groups of the news report? 4. Summarize the news event and be ready to discuss it with the class.

34 Post-test A. Inca B. Francisco Pizarro C. Quechua D. Authoritarian Rule E. Mercosur 1.___________ and his army conquered the Inca Empire. 2.The economic common market that began operating in the southern region of South America in 1995 is called __________. 3.The ____________ created one of the greatest civilizations in the Americas in the mountains of Peru. 4.One lasting legacy of the Inca is that their language, ___________, is still spoken by millions of native people today. 5.___________ stresses obedience to authority over individual freedom.

35 Closure Describe the Spanish conquest and independence movements of South America What makes up the “cultural mosaic” of South America? What kind of economic resources are present in the region? What does the future look like for South America? NEXT TIME: Rain Forest! Chapter 11, Section 1

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