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Provincial America & the Struggle for a Continent Chapter 4.

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1 Provincial America & the Struggle for a Continent Chapter 4

2 Progress in the Colonies 18 th century Population doubled every 25 yrs - need for colleges, doctors, craftsmen, etc - wealthy settlers & landowners - mansions - Colonies began to modernize

3 Early Harvard (Cambridge, Mass) Founded in 1636,Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States

4 College of William & Mary Located in Virginia, William and Mary was founded in 1693 by a Royal Charter issued by the King William III & Queen Mary II of England. It has educated U.S. presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and John Tyler

5 Other Colleges 1746- Princeton (New Jersey) 1740- University of Pennsylvania 1754- Columbia University (New York) 1764- Brown University (R.I) 1766- Rutgers, New Jersey 1769- Dartmouth (New Hampshire)

6 Expansion of the Colonies Immigration at all time high in colonies - 1730- 650k settlers - 1775- over 1 million Indian concern

7 Slaves in the South Slave trade reached peak during 18 th century - 90% of slaves to southern colonies - 70% of S. Carolina’s pop by 1720 - created old south (slave plantations) - south- dependent on slaves - treatment of slaves in south

8 Back Country Life in mountain regions of the Carolinas - farming & hunting - limited gov’t control - use of alcohol & clash with Indians

9 Age of Enlightenment asserted that human knowledge would improve society

10 World of Print Impact of printing press William Bradford - 1 st printer in Philadelphia (1680) Boston (8 printers by 1740) Printing sparked American Enlightenment

11 Benjamin Franklin 1732- Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette best edited paper in America

12 Benjamin Franklin Intellectual debate almost non-existent - Franklin’s Junto Society (1727) - American Philosophical Society Franklin’s inventions

13 Poor Richards Almanac

14 Conflicts in the Colonies

15 Conflict w/ Spain Spanish (FL) offered freedom to slaves Stono Rebellion (S.C.) - largest slave revolt in colonies history - stole weapons / 25 killed


17 Georgia: The failure of an Enlightened Utopia King George II (1727-60) - founded in 1732 - populate with England’s “worthy poor” - protection S. Carolina - laws of Georgia / Savannah - population slump - became another S. C. by 1752

18 North American settlements of Britain & France

19 French & Indian War (1756-1763) Settlements (p 119) English desire to expand westward conflicts w/ France (Ohio Valley) - French & Indian trade Virginia sends Washington

20 Washington’s orders (1754) Albany Congress (align w/ Iroquois) - Franklin’s political cartoon (p 120) French & Indian War (continue)

21 1756- war officially declared British gather force of 60,000 British make peace w/ Indians by 1758 - promise of land French & Indian War (continue)

22 Spain’s neutrality British concentrate on New France - 3 pronged war [ p124] Treaty of Paris ends war in 1763 - Britain acquired all of North America east of the Mississippi except for New Orleans (p 131) End of war


24 conclusion France gives up American settlements Britain now dominant power in North America Spain ceded Florida British proclamation line Angers Indians

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