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1 Final Exam Review Part 1 9 th Grade Global History and Geography Ms. Marten.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Final Exam Review Part 1 9 th Grade Global History and Geography Ms. Marten."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Final Exam Review Part 1 9 th Grade Global History and Geography Ms. Marten

2 2 Culture Culture—a way of life Cultural diffusion—sharing and spread of ideas, goods and inventions between groups Result of people having contact with each other ♦trade, warfare, diaspora

3 3 Geography Geography effects culture Rivers = highways for contact (trade) Barriers = mountains, oceans, rainforest, deserts ♦prevents cultural diffusion and causes isolation ♦protection from invasion

4 4 Geography of Japan Geography of Japan: 1. Archipelago—chain of islands 2. Mountainous—farmers rely on terrace farming

5 5 Paleolithic Age (2,000,000 B.C.- 10,000 B.C) Nomads—men and women were hunters and gathers with no permanent settlements Population was small ♦Usually 2-3 dozen

6 6 Neolithic Revolution (10,000 B.C.) Discovery of agriculture Domestication of animals Permanent settlements Start of civilizations and more complex societies

7 7 Early River Valley Civilizations 4000 BC - 500 aka Sumeriansaka Yellow

8 8 I.All of theses civilizations were: 1. Located in river valleys 2. Dependent of fertile soil (silt) 3. Irrigated water from river (s) 4. Transportation and Trade

9 9 Tigris & Euphrates Mesopotamia/Sumerians Code of Hammurabi—first written laws (eye for an eye) Cuneiform—first writing Invented wheel, sail and plow Ziggurats I. Contributions: Irrigation

10 10 Egyptians/Nile Irrigation System Pyramids Pharaoh—Theocracy Hieroglyphics Polytheistic religion I. Contributions:

11 11 Indus India Planned cities Hinduism-caste system Sanskrit writing ● Indoor plumbing I. Contributions:

12 12 Huang He/Yellow China Walled cities Calligraphy – writing Rice cultivation Dynasties—ruling families I. Contributions:

13 13 A.Skilled sailors used the seas as highways B. Trade was important to Greece because region lacked many resources ex., wood and precious metals Geography of Greece

14 14 2.Rugged land- mountains make up ¾ of the land A. Mountains separated people politically —no unity

15 15 Philosophy— “Fathers of Philosophy” 1. Socrates 2. Plato 3. Aristotle Government—DEMOCRACY—Athens ● Science and math Greek Contributions

16 16 Greek Contributions Architecture—columns 1. Doric 2. Ionic 3. Corinthian * Parthenon—temple to goddess Athena Art—realistic sculpture which valued balance, order and proportion

17 17 Hellenistic Culture: Greek culture mixed with Egyptian, Persian and Indian influences Alexander the Great

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19 19 Roman Contributions Pax Romana—Golden Age Law—Twelve Tables—written set of laws to unify them throughout the empire Centralized government

20 20 Roman Contributions Christianity—became official religion of Roman Empire Latin—official language of the Empire Architecture—arches and domes Engineering—roads, bridges and aqueducts

21 21 Decline and Fall of Roman Empire The empire was TOO BIG! Political—corruption and instability of government Economic—inflation, employment, cost of empire Social—Loss of morale Military—mercenaries and barbarian invasions ♦Huns

22 22 Decline and Fall of Roman Empire ● Military—mercenaries and barbarian invasions, including the Huns

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