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 40,000 – 8,000 BCE Upper Paleolithic period  10,000 BCE Present interglacial period begins  9,000 – 4,000 BCE Paleolithic – Neolithic overlap  6,500.

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Presentation on theme: " 40,000 – 8,000 BCE Upper Paleolithic period  10,000 BCE Present interglacial period begins  9,000 – 4,000 BCE Paleolithic – Neolithic overlap  6,500."— Presentation transcript:

1  40,000 – 8,000 BCE Upper Paleolithic period  10,000 BCE Present interglacial period begins  9,000 – 4,000 BCE Paleolithic – Neolithic overlap  6,500 – 1200 BCE Neolithic Period – Farming in Europe  2300 -800 BCE Bronze Age in Europe  1000 – 50 BCE Proto-historic Iron Age in Europe

2  Paleolithic Art consists of:  Small statuary carvings of ivory, bone, stone  Small figurines of clay  Incising  Cave paintings and drawings  Sculpture created from rocks inside caves

3  No extant permanent architecture  No agriculture or domesticated animals  People were nomadic, no permanent settlements or villages  Dwellings were temporary and often made of mud and wattle

4  Woman of Willendorf22,000 BCE Austria  Lion-Human (male) 30,000 BCE Germany  Woman from Brassenpouy 30,000 BCE France

5  Lascaux 15,000 BCE  Chauvet30,000 BCE  Pech-Merle23,000 BCE  Altamira12,500 BCE

6  Organized system of agriculture appears  Domesticated animals  Permanent settlements, small villages  Skara Brae in Northern Scotland  Structures have post and lintel doorways  Megalithic stone ceremonial sites (Stonehenge)  Bronze and Iron utilitarian objects and art  Carvings, ceramics, sculpture, rock paintings

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