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Building an Imagine Culture:. Goals for New Imagine Teachers Understand the history of Imagine Understand the basic philosophy of Imagine Know the opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Building an Imagine Culture:. Goals for New Imagine Teachers Understand the history of Imagine Understand the basic philosophy of Imagine Know the opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building an Imagine Culture:

2 Goals for New Imagine Teachers Understand the history of Imagine Understand the basic philosophy of Imagine Know the opportunities for continued professional development

3 What is an Imagine School? Why Be Here?

4 Imagine The story of Imagine Schools began with Dennis’ desire to apply the work philosophy to the education field. The Shared Value of Fun at Imagine Schools – decentralized leadership, freedom with responsibility, utilizing each person’s gifts to their maximum, and giving decision-making power to people closest to the action – is a new concept in the world of public education. This approach empowers teachers and staff and gives them the freedom and flexibility to apply the best learning models to meet each student’s unique needs.

5 Dennis W. Bakke Prior to co-founding Imagine Schools, Dennis was Co- Founder, President and CEO of the AES Corporation, a leading global power company with businesses in over 30 countries, $40 billion in assets, and revenue of more than $10 billion annually. Dennis also held positions in the U.S. federal government’s Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Dennis graduated with Honors from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. He received an MBA from Harvard University, an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from Eastern University, and an Honorary Doctorate in Humanitarian Service from University of Puget Sound. Bakke is the author of Joy at Work, a bestselling book detailing his organizational philosophy employed at AES and Imagine Schools.

6 Eileen H. Bakke Vice President of Education Before co-founding Imagine Schools, Eileen was a teacher at the National Cathedral School in Washington DC, an educational writer for a PBS children’s television program, and a writer for the Council for Basic Education. Eileen is a founder and past chairperson of the Rivendell School in Arlington, VA. She is the Chairperson of the Mustard Seed Foundation Board and serves on the Advisory Council of the James Madison Program at Princeton University. Eileen holds a BA in English Literature from Princeton University, and an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Eastern University.

7 Diane Beatty Diane Beatty, Deputy Executive Vice President, has a diverse background in education, serving in both the private and public sector as a teacher, curriculum developer and headmaster/school leader. Her 34 years in the education field have afforded opportunities to study school leadership and its impact on effective instructional outcomes for students while maintaining a sustainable operating facility. Diane has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of North Florida, a Master’s degree from NOVA University in Educational Leadership and an MBA from Rollins College in Winter Park, FL. She is currently working with schools and development in North Florida and South Carolina.

8 Region Team

9 Expectations: Love what you do! 80 / 20 Realize your personal needs and standards, and evaluate if those are in alignment with those of Imagine Schools.

10 Are We “Better”? “Any work culture that employs the talents of their people and gives them opportunities to make decisions along with continual personal growth opportunities is better than one that does not.” Diane Beatty

11 Are We “Better”? You are only limited by what you can and are willing to do!

12 Shared Values Imagine Schools

13 Integrity Means wholeness, or how things fit together. Integrity drives us to live and model consistent ethics inside and outside the school. Integrity requires responsibility and accountability. It means every aspect of what and how we teach is done with rigor and fidelity. We hold ourselves individually and collectively accountable for strong academic outcomes, with each individual fulfilling his or her responsibility so that all students can succeed.

14 Justice Gives to each person what he or she deserves and what is appropriate. Justice requires doing all in our power to ensure that every Imagine student has access to an outstanding education. Driven by the unique abilities and needs of each student, Imagine educators design instruction to equip all students to become successful learners. We align goals for each student and adult in our schools with what they need and deserve.

15 Fun Means cultivating a Joy at Work environment in every school we operate. In our schools, each person has the opportunity to use his or her unique talents and experience to make important decisions contributing to the success of the school. Joy at Work combines integrity and justice with accountability for our decisions in order to achieve outstanding results for students and families. This is created by you!

16 Measures of Excellence Academic Growth Positive Character Development Parent Choice Economic Sustainability School Development

17 Shared Values and Your Beliefs Creating your own definitions according to your beliefs is the first step in modeling and teaching the Shared Values.

18 Philosophy Servant Leadership Empowering Teachers and Leaders Advice seeking model Finding a “cultural” fit In the big picture, it is our belief that Values/Purpose Driven organizations where all the players share common cultural DNA are a PROCESS; a process that takes time and wisdom to cultivate.

19 Opportunities for Continued Professional Development Monthly Teacher Round Tables Blog: Wiki: website: Inside Imagine:

20 Are We Better? You determine… But we believe that when we have a team that wants to be here and is willing to work for excellence, it will happen and with this team of new teachers we are already on our way!

21 Revisit the Goals! Understand the history of Imagine Understand the basic philosophy of Imagine Know the opportunities for continued professional development

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