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Applied Speech Sciences 4/11/00. Speech Science Application Speech production via computers Forensics- criminal investigations; voice prints Assessing.

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Presentation on theme: "Applied Speech Sciences 4/11/00. Speech Science Application Speech production via computers Forensics- criminal investigations; voice prints Assessing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applied Speech Sciences 4/11/00

2 Speech Science Application Speech production via computers Forensics- criminal investigations; voice prints Assessing & treating disorders of communication

3 Digital Speech Coding Speech Synthesis –Copy Synthesis –Articulatory Synthesis –Terminal Analog Synthesis

4 Copy Synthesis Combine smaller elements to form longer utterances Stored patterns include: words, numbers, syllables Connected speech is easy due to the collection of various suitable patterns Difficulties in reading a narrative but works well with individual numbers (ex. Phone numbers)

5 Articulatory Synthesis Also called transmission-line analog Model of the physiology of human speech –Has articulators (tongue, jaw, lower lip etc.) –Each is controlled to produce “human-like” speech Articulatory synthesizer (Wolfgang von Kempelen)- bellows (respiratory); vibrating reed (laryngeal); narrow tubes (vocal tract) Modern computer models-Articulatory acoustic models

6 Terminal Analog Synthesis Attempts to produce satisfactory replicas of the end product of speech-Acoustic signal Do not model speech physiology but depends on energy sources & resonators- Produce acoustic patterns like natural speech Formant Synthesizer- Specifies formants of a modeled utterance DEC Talk - Formant based synthesizer

7 Speech, Language & Hearing Disorders Voice Disorders Neurogenic disorders Structural disorders Phonological disorders Fluency disorders Hearing impairment

8 Voice Disorders Disorders arise from: –abuse –toxins damaging tissue –benign or cancerous growth –neurological disease –trauma –aging changes Voice disorders are estimated to affect 10% of the population School-age- 6-23.4%

9 Voice Disorders Tools used to diagnosis: –Acoustic & Physiologic techniques to assess status Visualization -Videostroboscopy Aerodynamic (levels of airflow) Acoustic (fundamental, range)

10 Neurogenic Disorders Disorders arise from: –neurologic disease –neurologic damage –neurologic maldevelopment Speech disorders: –Dysarthria (slowness, weakness, incoordinated speech movements) Affect all 3 speech subsystems –Apraxia (effects sequence of movements, muscle weakness is not apparent, slow groping, effortful articulation)

11 Neurologic Disorders Modern methods of study: –Acoustic & physiological studies: Dysarthria- –show relative degree of impairment –Specific control problems relate to reduced intelligibility Apraxia- –acoustic studies revealed a variety of sequencing problems subtle errors in control of individual movmts. Effects several aspects of speech production and is not isolated to phonemic organization

12 Structural Disorders Abnormalites of physical structures –Dysmorphology –Cleft palate Disorders occur due to: –trauma –surgical procedures –congenital

13 Structural Disorders Assessment & Management: –Acoustic - velopharyngeal assessment (nasality) –Reconstructive surgery –Aerodynamics (pressure & flow Studies)

14 Phonological Disorders A phonological system that develops more slowly –Disorders: Speech sound errors speech-delay Assessment & management: –Used to be mostly perceptual –Acoustic methods (demonstrates signs that are not always heard)

15 Fluency Disorders Disorders: –Part-word –Whole-word –Pauses –Prolongation's –Repetitions –Circumlocution

16 Fluency Disorders Variety of motor, linguistic, psychological and sociological factors –Techniques used: Acoustic (pause duration etc.) Aerodynamic (pressure & flow changes during stuttering event) Respiration (incoordination of breathing measured)

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