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14 July 2009 Enhancing Civil Society Use of ICTs in Nigeria Abuja, Nigeria.

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Presentation on theme: "14 July 2009 Enhancing Civil Society Use of ICTs in Nigeria Abuja, Nigeria."— Presentation transcript:

1 14 July 2009 Enhancing Civil Society Use of ICTs in Nigeria Abuja, Nigeria

2 Centre for Policy and Development

3 The gender digital divide Differential access on account of: 1.Women ’ s low literacy levels 2.Language barrier 3.Culture 4.Media literacy 5.Poverty, Ownership and usage

4 About 4 billion mobile phones in use globally – 52 million in Nigeria increased teledensity in countries with less wired infrastructure increasingly imposing ICT tool for civic engagement - (;;;,, /SendingOutanSMS Bottom line is Access - relevant, locally appropriate and timely information in deep rural and peri-urban communities % of women with such access % of gender specific mobile enabled telephony projects

5 Poverty Culture Ownership and usage Low literacy levels Media Literacy Urban bias in connectivity – creeks, very deep rural communities

6 Text message infolines- Learning for Living, Interactive digital development information services, Network for Good Governance, the Nigerian Human Rights Hub. The Speak Out, Stand Out, and Commit to preventing Violence against Women SMS-based campaign by WOUGNET, in collaboration with Womensnet, South Africa and APC-Africa- Womenwww.wougnet.orgwww.wougnet.or "The phone has transformed the women farmers' lives completely - they are able to market their produce, access information on prices, and it has made them so confident,". Irin News, 18 March 2009, Helplines - HIV/AIDS Mobile banking and all its related cousins As many others that can be generated here to ensure gendered digitopia

7 An online platform that facilitates timely human rights violations monitoring through; reports, responses and human rights information dissemination on who and where to go to for assistance. Part of an on-going project by PolDeC - awareness, capacity building as well as best practices sharing on innovative uses of mobiles for civic engagement Generously supported by OSIWA TTC ‘ s partnership through toolkits donation and continuous training http// Human rights organisations and campaigners in Nigeria Every victim of human rights violations

8 A national toll free helpline for reporting and responding promptly to gender violence mobile telephony mediated access and capacity building points Strategic gendered capacitating mobile telephony enabled projects /activities with women ’ s organizations dissemination of life changing development information through mobile phones

9 Thank You for your attention and commitment to closing the gap.

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