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Step by Step!!! Your handy, dandy guide to body wraps and mud.

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Presentation on theme: "Step by Step!!! Your handy, dandy guide to body wraps and mud."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step by Step!!! Your handy, dandy guide to body wraps and mud.

2 Listen to your mummy.  Body wraps and mud are used for detoxification, relaxation, nourish, cleanse and improve the superficial contour of the skin, etc.  These are categorized in two main types: those that apply heat and those that do not. They can be further differentiated as either loose or tight, partial or whole.

3 It will make you feel goooood.  Comfort and security-people generally experience a sense of safety and security when they are wrapped up.  Warmth- whether applied externally or created as a process of body heat, warmth is an integral part of all body wraps.  Enclosed environment- ideal environment for products to act upon the body, absorbing through the pores, rather then dissipating in the air.

4 General Body Wrap Protocols  Exercise caution- clients can feel claustrophobic. Clients can leave their arms out of the wrap.  Always check for sensitivity to products/treatments before use!  Communicate- Explain what will happen.  Don’t just abandon your client- People get anxious when wrapped tightly and ditched for 20 mins. Let them know that you will be nearby and checking on them periodically.  Always use a bolster- all those blankets and mud are heavy!

5 Mud, clay and seaweed, Oh My!  Mud is clay-just wetter. It’s qualities can include high mineral content (great for the skin) and detoxifying properties. Mud types vary greatly dependant upon the source. Do your research! Do not mix or store in metal containers- this leeches minerals. Do not overmix- just like baking. Use an indirect heat source for mud. Never microwave or heat more than once. Follow manufacturers instruction on disposal and use.

6 Mud, clay and seaweed, Oh My!  Seaweed- like mud comes in many shapes and forms. It’s best to do your research and match the product to the client.  Various herbal mixtures are used to detox.  Parafango-designer product of mud and paraffin wax mixture.  Moor mud- specialty peat from Austrian Moor

7 Basic Mud wrap Protocol  The Set Up (from bottom to top) Fleece/Table Warmer Fitted Sheet Thermal or space blanket Sheet Another sheet or two towels are used to drape Dry brushing materials If the treatment is given in a dry room 4-6 moist hand towels should be heated in a roaster or crock pot Mud should be mixed or put into a plastic container and heated in roaster

8 Mud wrap-The application  The client is supine. Towels are used to cover the breast and pelvic region.  Exfoliate with the dry brush for about 2mins with a brush or loofah  Instruct the client to roll to one side. Apply mud to back, hip and back of thigh.  Have the client roll to the other side and repeat.

9 Mud wrap- The application  Moving quickly, have client lay on their back and apply in in an even layer over the front of the body starting with the legs.  Wrap each area in plastic after the application so your client does not get chilled.  Avoid feet if reflexology will be applied during the treatment.

10 Mud wrap- the application  When client is completely covered with mud, wrap the body first with plastic then the thermal or space sheet, then a blanket. Lay a bath sheet over this cocoon to seal in body.  Place a bolster under the knees.  Allow the client to rest for 20-25 mins.  This is a good time to apply head and face massage or reflexology treatment.

11 Mud wrap- The cleanup  Peel the plastic away from the upper body while rolling the plastic down toward the table.  Start at the abdomen and remove mud with damp towel.  Remove mud from décolletage and arms.  Assist the client in sitting up. With a fresh warm towel press the towel lengthwise along the back to moisten. Remove remaining mud from the back.

12 Mud wrap-the Cleanup  Prior to the client’s lying back down roll the plastic and thermal blanket toward her hips. Have the client lie down and cover her upper body with a sheet or towel.  Peel back plastic from client’s right leg. Remove with a fresh towel. Have the client lift hip and roll the plastic and thermal sheet from under the body.  Repeat on the client’s left leg. Remove the plastic and thermal sheet from the table.

13 Mud wrap-The Big Finish  At this point you can finish with a 5-10 min application of hydrating lotion or proceed with a particular treatment or massage.  Body butter and creams are nice as skin is very soft and clean.

14 It’s not all about mud, silly!  Remember, lots of products are out there. Find out what is best for your client.  What are the goals  What is their skin type?  What does the manufacturer suggest?  Happy wrapping!

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