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Option Model for Employment Conditions 2011 Directorate Human Resources Ireen Miessen.

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Presentation on theme: "Option Model for Employment Conditions 2011 Directorate Human Resources Ireen Miessen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Option Model for Employment Conditions 2011 Directorate Human Resources Ireen Miessen

2 What is an option model?  Exchange of employment terms within boundaries  Collective Labour Agreement Chapter 5  Additional agreement with the local employees’ organisations (OPUT)  Tax legislation

3 Who can participate? Everyone with an employment contract with the UT, excluding:  on-call workers  student assistants  UT-flex workers  staff who are on extraordinary leave during the full calendar year 2011

4 Which sources can you use?  Hours leave  Money

5 Source: hours leave  Hours which you receive in 2011  Value of one hour = 0.704% of your monthly salary in case of full employment  Maximum or minimum to some targets  Maximum to the total number of hours  Statutory minimum to the hours left

6 Source: money  Salary  Holliday allowance (8%)  Year end bonus (8.3%)

7 Which targets can you choose?  Sabbatical leave  Extra hours leave  Extra salary  Additional pension  Live-course savings  Bicycle (incl. insurance)  Maintenance bicycle  Commuting costs  Flexible working hours  Internet allowance  Contribution trade union and/or professional association

8 Target: extra salary  Maximum: 38 hours leave  Value of one hour = 0.704% of the monthly salary in case of full employment

9 Target: bicycle  You use the bicycle for commuter travel  Once every three year  Remaining length employment ≥ 11 months  Maximum purchase price: € 749  Maximum costs insurance: € 139  Bicycle dealer is associated with TSR  It is not possible to trade in a bicycle  Credit vouchers

10 Target: maintenance bicycle  You use the bicycle for commuter travel  Fixed tax-free contribution of € 82 per year

11 Target: commuting costs  You live more than 1 km from your work  You don’t receive a travel allowance on the basis of another scheme  You commute between home and work regularly on at least one day per week  A free allowance, irrespective of the method of transport (€ 0.19 per km) or  An allowance for travel by public transport (actual travel expenses)

12 Internet allowance  A fixed tax-free allowance of € 15 per month  Your internet connection is charged on a fixed costs basis  You use the internet connection for purposes related to your employment  On the same address no other UT staff member receives an internet allowance

13 Target: contribution trade union  You are a member of a trade union during the entire calender year 2011 (FNV, CNV, AC/FBZ, MHF)  You can only use the source money

14 When can you choose?  Up to and including September 2011  Once only → you cannot change or supplement choices you have recorded in the simulation model  Exception for the target of commuting costs in case of a subsequent change in the commuting tract

15 How can you state your choice?  Web application: KAT  Simulation model (calculate and record)  User name and Password  Option form and additional forms

16 Need more information?  Brochure optional model (intranet)  Human resources advisor  Helpdesk: 1132 (Erwin Reudink)

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