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Name of Presentation Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring Creating & Monitoring the Safe and Sustainable Green.

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Presentation on theme: "Name of Presentation Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring Creating & Monitoring the Safe and Sustainable Green."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name of Presentation Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring Creating & Monitoring the Safe and Sustainable Green Airport Curb Conference of the Airport Ground Transportation Association September 22, 2009

2 Overview Discuss Benefit of AVI System –Trend towards Green First Step – why produce an inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Data Collection for evaluating Commercial Vehicle Emissions –Working with what you have Areas of Focus –Circulation & Idling & Congestion & Vehicle Fuel Data Analysis Tools Available – Emissions Calculators Integrating Analysis of GHG into AVI System Reporting –Greenhouse Gas Emissions –Criteria Air Contaminant Awareness changes Behavior? September 22, 20092 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring

3 Airport AVI System AVI System offers a Number of Benefits that include: –Passenger Service –Curb Management and Enforcement –Management of Information Growing aversion/trend to green – use an AVI System to: –Reduce dwell time –Reduce Excess Circulation –Address Congestion –Provide the data necessary to calculate Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Criteria Air Contaminant (CAC) September 22, 20093 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring

4 First Step – What is the Reason for GHG & CAC Inventory? September 22, 2009 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring 4 What is important to the Airport, what are you doing this for? 1.Climate Change Initiatives GHG Reduction Goals 2.Environmental Management and Sustainability Programs 3.Disclosure of Project/Action Effects 4.Future Regulations Reason will dictate your data source

5 Areas of Focus and Data Collection for Commercial Vehicles Circulation –Excess trips to avoid curb dwell time –Excess trips due to scheduling Idling –Wait time at holding lot and curb Congestion –Travel time between holding lot and curb Vehicle Fuel Types More then 10 seconds of idling uses more fuel than is required to restart the engine September 22, 20095 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring

6 Data Analysis There are no national (US) or state legislative mandates for an Airport to prepare GHG emissions inventories The few airports that have been generating inventories have been done voluntarily even though they are based on requests from municipalities September 22, 20096 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring The Airport Cooperative Research Program, with sponsorship from the FAA has produced the following report: ACRP Report 11: Guidebook on Preparing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories

7 Data Analysis – Emissions Estimation Tools September 22, 20097 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring TOOL USEMODES EMISSION OUTPUTS Greenhouse GasesCriteria Air Contaminants Policy Decision Specific Estimates Fuel comparison Automobile General transit Bus Other CH 4 (methane) CO 2 CO 2 e CO NH 3 (ammonia) NO x (NO + NO 2 ) PM 2.5 PM 10 SO x TPM VOC CCAP Guidebook Emissions Calculator      CMHC Life Cycle Costing  GHGenius  GREET (Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation)     IPCC Software for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories     Mobile6.2 & Mobile6.2C  TravelMatters: Individual Emissions Calculator  TravelMatters: Transit Planning Calculator  Urban transport emissions calculator (UTEC) 

8 Data Analysis – Integration of Reporting Tool Using Data Available September 22, 2009 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring Inputs: Evaluation year Province Kilometres traveled Period of data % of city vs. highway driving Fleet commercial fuel breakdown: –Gasoline –Diesel –Propane –CNG

9 September 22, 2009 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring GHG –Vehicle Operation (released directly from tail pipe) –Vehicle Upstream (production, refining and transportation of fuels) CAC Example - change from an all gasoline fleet to 20% CNG and in a fleet of 100 sedans there is a decrease: –GHG by 5.38% –CAC by 14.10% Reporting

10 Awareness Changes Behavior With a baseline created and the ability to monitor GHG and CAC what will you do with this information? –Offer incentives for fuel efficient vehicles –For licensed vehicles reduce the limit on the age of the vehicle –Review dwell time charges to find a balance between dwell and circulation –Reduced stop-and-go traffic by effectively using your AVI for enforcement and remove gates –Enhance your AVI System to include Vehicle Dispatching to reduce idling & circulation –Review service scheduling September 22, 2009 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring

11 Questions & Answers Thank You September 22, 200911 Use Your AVI System for Commercial Vehicle Emissions Monitoring and Measuring

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