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Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards by Award Category FY 2004 – EPA Region 4 – Winners in Bold Type Honorable Mention – All Others.

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Presentation on theme: "Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards by Award Category FY 2004 – EPA Region 4 – Winners in Bold Type Honorable Mention – All Others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards by Award Category FY 2004 – EPA Region 4 – Winners in Bold Type Honorable Mention – All Others

2 Environmental Quality Industrial Installation Naval Air Depot-Cherry Point, North Carolina Marine Corps Air Station-Cherry Point, North Carolina

3 Environmental Restoration Installation Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina

4 Cultural Resources Conservation Individual/Team James V. Sartain, Naval Support Activity-Panama City, Florida Bryan P. Howard, Ph.D., Marine Corps Recruit Depot-Parris Island, South Carolina Installation Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina

5 Natural Resources Conservation Large Installation Marine Corps Base Camp- Lejeune, North Carolina Arnold Engineering Development Center – Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee

6 Pollution Prevention Individual/Team Ms. Kathleen Stiles, Marine Corps Recruit Depot – Parris Island, South Carolina Non-Industrial Installation Fort Campbell, Kentucky Hurlburt Field, Florida

7 Fiscal Year 2004 Secretary of the Army Environmental Awards – EPA Region 4 –

8 Pollution Prevention Non-industrial Installation Fort Campbell, Kentucky

9 Natural Resources Conservation Large Installation –Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia


11 Pollution Prevention Non-Industrial Installation Hurlburt Field, Florida, Air Force Special Operations Command

12 Natural Resources Conservation Large Installation Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee, Air Force Material Command

13 Environmental Restoration Installation Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, Air Education Training Command

14 National Environmental Policy Act Team Excellence Eglin Environmental Impact Analysis Process Team, Elgin Air Force Base, Florida, Air Force Material Command


16 Cultural Resources Conservation Installation: Marine Corps Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina Individual/Team: Navy John A. Cordray, Southern Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Charleston, South Carolina Individual/Team: Marine Corps Bryan P. Howard, Ph.D., Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina

17 Natural Resources Conservation Large Installation: Navy Naval Weapons Station: Charleston, South Carolina Large Installation: Marine Corps Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Small Installation: Marine Corps Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina Individual/Team: Marine Corps Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina

18 Environmental Quality Industrial Installation Naval Air Depot Cherry Point, North Carolina

19 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Environmental Stewardship Initiative Naval Air Depot, Cherry Point, North Carolina The ESI program has three levels (Steward, Rising Steward, and Partner). Naval Air Depot, Cherry Point is the first military activity to be awarded the North Carolina Steward recognition.

20 U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 2004 CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT (CCR) EXCELLENCE AWARD – EPA REGION 4 – Medium Ground Water System Eglin Air Force Base, Florida Eglin Air Force Base is recognized for its commitment to compliance with Consumer Confidence Reporting; the system's susceptibility to contamination based on a completed Source Water Assessment (SWA) and information on how to obtain a copy of the SWA; and a list of likely sources and potential health effects of detected contaminants.)

21 2005 White House Closing the Circle Awards Honorable Mentions – EPA Region 4 –

22 Recycling-Military Department of Defense Fort Campbell Army Installation Environmental Division, Kentucky Team/ Project: Fort Campbell DPW Environmental Division P2 Branch Fort Campbell, Driven to Excel Green Purchasing-Military Department of Defense Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Goldsboro, North Carolina Team/ Project: 4CES/CEV Pollution Prevention Section Bio-Based Detergents and Green Purchasing

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