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WAMIP is a worldwide alliance of peoples, tribes and communities whose link with the territory and the natural resources is characterised by mobility,

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Presentation on theme: "WAMIP is a worldwide alliance of peoples, tribes and communities whose link with the territory and the natural resources is characterised by mobility,"— Presentation transcript:

1 WAMIP is a worldwide alliance of peoples, tribes and communities whose link with the territory and the natural resources is characterised by mobility, understood as a critical strategy for the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources, and as a crucial element of their cultural identity and heritage.

2 CREATION : 5 th Parks Congress in Durban, South Africa, in September 2003. These peoples asserted the capacity of mobile indigenous peoples (MIPs) to conserve biodiversity based on their customary and cultural practices of sustainable resource management. They met and exchanged views with representatives of the indigenous peoples worldwide, sharing a deep concern for the respect of cultural rights, rights to land and natural resources, and right to self- determination. The representatives of the mobile peoples have accordingly decided to form their own association, identified themselves as indigenous and expressed their solidarity with the larger and well-established indigenous and tribal peoples’ movement worldwide.

3 The working definitions, vision, mission, objectives, membership structure and operational modalities contained in these Statutes were discussed, elaborated and approved by the MIPs during the following meetings: Dana Conference in 2002 was the first expression of the need of having a MIP´ organisation The “Meeting of the mobile peoples”, 15 September 2003, Durban (South Africa); The “Meeting of the provisional Steering Committee of WAMIP”, 16 September 2003, Durban (South Africa); The “Second General Meeting of WAMIP,” held in February 2004 in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on the occasion of the Seventh Conference of Parties (COP 7) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

4 The First Congress of WAMIP, held in La Granja, Segovia, Spain from Sept. 11 th to Sept. 18 Th: - Registered members - Adopted these Statutes - Nominated Council - Nominated Board - Produced a Message to UNCDD - A Declaration of Nomadic Peoples Working Group on the Action Plan Participation in different fora: CBD, IUCN, etc

5 Global Gathering of Pastotalists Women, Mera, 2010: - Introducing the gender question - Renewing the board and reawakening of the movement

6 WAMIP ACTION PLAN - 1-5 years: Establishment - 5-10 years: Operating

7 1 st STAGE: Establishing the structure, acquiring competencies and resources, capacity building, communication and definition Year 1: Finishing the legal process Project proposals based on Action Plan and fundraising Year 2 – 3 : Regional comprehensive and inclusive meetings organised by regional focal point members to: - Introduce WAMIP, extend values, empower, encourage participation - Get feedback - Define representatives - Facillitate membership - Build communication structure and set up regional secretariats

8 1 st STAGE: Establishing the structure, acquiring competencies and resources, capacity building, communication and definition Year 2 – 5 : Setting up Working Groups / Comissions and starting action - 1) International Forum and External Communication - Networks - 2) Emergencies and support to national and local struggles - 3) Participation and internal communication - 4) Campaigns and issues

9 2nd STAGE: Achieving fully operational capacity, presence and extension of the movement Revision, re-structure.... Year 5– 10 : Setting up Campaigns, Positions, and Practical Projects with/for members. - Health, education and mobile services - Access to Markets - Conflicts and land grabbing - Role in environmental conservation - Culture and identity - Climate Change....

10 Needs, ways to support, collaborations - Advise and feedback for the action plan -Extension and connecting to new members - Human resources: translation, newsletter, communication, website management - Finantial resources - Political support, lobbying, guidance - Scientific evidence compilation, accesibility - Empowerment

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