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Georgia Telephone Assoc. 88 th Annual June 22, 2010 Warren Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Telephone Assoc. 88 th Annual June 22, 2010 Warren Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia Telephone Assoc. 88 th Annual June 22, 2010 Warren Lee

2 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary2 Leveraging Your Business Assets

3 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary3 In The Spectrum of Competition…How Do I stack Up? Getting spanked because we aren’t doing anything Kicking A$$ and taking names because we are leveraging our assets

4 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary4 What are your strongest business Assets? Reputation Customer Trust Proximity Customer Loyalty / Relationship IOC Community willing to share knowledge People (?)

5 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary5 What are your biggest Weaknesses? Perception as an Innovator / Reputation Ability to develop solutions Knowing what the Customer wants Sales and Marketing NIH Syndrome / Control Issues Lack of focus and seriousness of purpose for new revenue People (?)

6 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary6 Are you your worst Enemy?

7 7 Current Telco Customers…who are they 32% 68%

8 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary8 Rules for Selling Its is always easiest to sell something people already want to buy It is easier to sell somebody what they already want than educate them on what they need It is easier to sell what the competition doesn’t have It is even easier to sell what you don’t have…..don’t do this Enter growing not shrinking markets Customer is always right

9 9 Current Telco Customers…who are they Known Fact……Rural and Urban Penetration Rates Converge Over Time Rural Internet Penetration Urban Internet Penetration

10 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary10 The Operative Word in Independent Telephone Company is Independent

11 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary11 How Do You Build New Revenue Sources

12 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary12 Play To Your Strengths Reputation & Customer Trust What don’t your customers trust New and unknown providers Advanced Internet Services Cloud Based Services Stability fears Do your homework, partner to provide comfort and trust to these services Storage, hosted Office, etc.

13 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary13 Play to Your Strengths Proximity (also Competition’s weakness) Lends to physical activities Installation, training, ongoing service Geek Squad Complex solutions Sell What People want to buy What are they buying elsewhere Geek Squad Netflix, OTT, home networks Security

14 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary14 Play to Your Strengths Proximity & Infrastructure (also Competition’s weakness) High Bandwidth Business Solutions (fiber) Simple Colo Longevity and Reputation Security Internet (desktop) Physical (Alarm monitoring) Personal (LifeLock)

15 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary15 OK Warren that is interesting but so what…..that and $4 gets me a cup of coffee at Starbuck?

16 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary16 ARPU Expectations Security Desktop: $1 - $3 / month Alarm Monitoring: $20 - $40 /month LifeLock: $6 - 8 Geek Squad Maintenance: $3 - $10 / month Installation: T&M Storage & Colo All Custom bids Hosted Apps: $10 - $30 / seat

17 NNS, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary17 What you need to Do Appoint dedicate resource Job is to find out what customers want Job is to partner for solutions Job is to learn how to market outside footprint Visit and Mimic other Successful IOC’s Retrain staff for service based not infrastructure based business Bundles services competition can’t offer Get head out of A$$

18 18 Conclusions This is hard stuff and it won’t go away if you bury your head in the sand. If you don’t offer these solutions…customers will find alternate ways to get what they want.

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