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Building Portals for Evidence Informed Education: Lessons from the Dead Mike Blamires Canterbury Christ Church.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Portals for Evidence Informed Education: Lessons from the Dead Mike Blamires Canterbury Christ Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Portals for Evidence Informed Education: Lessons from the Dead Mike Blamires email Canterbury Christ Church University, United Death eats up all things, both the young lamb and old sheep Cervantes

2 What are the aims of the TTRB? To make available the professional knowledge base supporting teacher education Increase range and quality of resources available Raise the status of teacher training research and knowledge Promote change: Research Impact on Practice Provide a personalised support service

3 TTRB Structure Contractual relationship Guidance, Advice & Progress TTRB Project Team Lightbox Education, Canterbury Christ Church University, Institute of Education, British Education Index Key: DcSF, Ofsted, CFBT.NCSL, Becta, UCET, TLRP, ESCalate, NFER TTRB Reviewers Over 200 reviewers have contributed to the TTRB Students/Trainee Teachers, Teacher Educators, Mentors, Academics and Trainers Representing the Profession The Users Teachers & Other Professionals National Stakeholders Editorial & Commissioning Advisory Board


5 Enduring and Emerging priorities Every Child Matters (five outcomes) Subject Knowledge / Pedagogy Personalised learning Education for Sustainable Development Integrated working to support the achievement and well-being of every child Improve levels of early reading & writing Revised secondary curriculum 2008 Introduction of 14–19 Diploma teaching from 2008 onwards Masters for Teaching and Learning (MTL) –raising standards and narrowing the achievement gap SEN & Disability

6 Illustrative Usage figures taken from TTRB (independently gathered from google analytics)  Over 210,000 page views a month  Over 7000 page views a day  Over 2000 visits per day 62,000/month  16,000 Registered Users 37% trainees: 21% Tutors : 22% Teachers  One article released every day  Users over a 30 day sample from UK 23,152, US 985, Australia 255, Canada 163, India 119, Ireland 118, Spain 116, Philippines 96, Malaysia 88, Germany 72, UAE 64, Singapore 59, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 56  140 Active reviewers from over 70 Institutions:


8 Leeds Evaluation: Accessibility The accessibility to a range of resources, previously unavailable ‘marked impact’ on part-time students/trainees, for “finding a great starting point for their research” ‘personal research’, further their subject knowledge, and to “leave the day with further research, further reading to do some background stuff” “I often refer [the students] to the E-librarian, particularly when they’re doing the more independent aspects of their course”

9 Leeds Evaluation: Theory/practice “making a bridge between the theory and the school practice” “What we’ve tried to do is to encourage our trainees to address [their inclination to the practical] head on and learn in a variety of different ways not just by doing teaching in a classroom but also by reading by engaging with what research is out there and the TTRB has been a tremendous help in terms of been able to link them very, very quickly with that.”

10 Validation “Given the quality of the site in terms of content and presentation, its value to tutors and trainees and how highly it is rated, it deserves to be exploited by the widest possible constituency of users.”

11 Archive

12 Lessons Agree ownership via new copyright formats Agree project risk procedures as part of the QA Future proof the classification systems Make these transparent to the user Harness Open Educational Resource attitudes and technologies (microdata, HTML5) Link Really Simple Syndication etc to your categories Work as a channel with provenance rather than a web site (eg Jorum publish paradata in the learning Registry) Prioritise dissemination and valorisation

13 Back from the dead?

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