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A Comprehensive Plan for the Digital Renaissance and Academic Enhancement of our Pleasure Island Schools.

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2 A Comprehensive Plan for the Digital Renaissance and Academic Enhancement of our Pleasure Island Schools

3 Brought to you through the efforts of our Learning For Life Leadership Team Dr. Ernie RosadoPrincipal, Gulf Shores High School Mr. Phillip FountainPrincipal, Gulf Shores Middle School Mrs. Julie PiercePrincipal, Gulf Shores Elementary School Mr. Jonathan EllisPrincipal, Orange Beach Elementary Mrs. Angie SwigerPresident, District 5 Representative Baldwin County Board of Education Teachers Parents Business Sponsors BCBE Directors State Directors

4 Kids go to college (or enter the workforce) clueless about what Career Opportunities exist -Not enough exposure to different career choices Drop out rates too high (One is too many!) -Kids lose interest by middle school Foreign language is just a requirement - Graduates should be fluent in a language Personal Finance -Graduates need basic knowledge of household budgets, bank accounts, debt and credit perils.

5 Need for stronger bonds between schools, communities, businesses, and local higher learning -Provide students with networking opportunities Collaborative work was discouraged in past Collaborative skills #1 characteristic employers seek today! Kids lose interest due to a lack of technology –unless we teach on their terms!

6 “Learning For Life” Part I Island Schools Digital Renaissance 1:1 Macbooks for all students grades 4-12 Project based and collaborative learning Wireless schools Internet based learning opens the world to students Paperless learning environment-no textbooks Student controls his/her own learning pace ALL STUDENTS EXCEL! ALL STUDENTS ENGAGED! examples- encyclopedias, business payroll? Checks?

7 “Learning For Life” Part II Island Schools Academic Enhancement Introduction of Career Academies in the Elementary thru High School Curriculum. Prepares our student for REAL LIFE LEARNING!

8 Implementation of Career Tracks that pique the interest of College Bound and Work Force Ready Students ______ Increased AP Rigor and benchmarks that ready college prep students for Ivy league schools _______ Addition of Foreign Language III and IV _______ Personal Finance Class _________ Addition of Fine Arts Electives including Art III and Drama _________ Junior and Senior Internships, Dual Enrollment, and Job Shadowing Programs __________ 1:1 iMacs Grades 9-12 Gulf Shores High School Application Addition of Art, Drama, Music, and Chorus Classes ______ Addition of Foreign Language (Conversation and Grammar) _______ 7 th Grade Interest Area testing for all students _______ 7 th and 8 th Grade Exploratory Rotations (Exposure to all Career Tracks) ______ Field Trips and Speakers from each Interest Area _______ Help Students identify Career Track interests through 8 th grade testing and counseling ______ In depth study due to project based learning _______ 1:1 iMacs Grades 7-8 Gulf Shores Middle Exploration Additional Art and Music Classes _______ Introduction to Conversational Foreign Language _______ Introduction to Collaborative Learning ________ Opportunities for in Depth study in Subject areas due to project based learning methods and iMacs in classrooms ________ iPad, Neo Board technology Grades K-3 __________ 1:1 iMacs grades 4-6 GS & OB Elementary Introduction

9 Arts and Communication Health & Marine SciencesLaw and Education Business & Finance Hospitality & Tourism Engineering Information Technology Architecture and Construction

10 What does a typical Career Academy Track look like?

11 Academy of Health and Marine Sciences College Prep DoctorsNurses Marine Biologist Skilled Professionals Med Tech EMT Medical Secretary Marine Science Classes Biology Classes Anatomy Classes Forensics

12 What’s happening now? LEARNING FOR LIFE IS ALREADY HERE!

13 Dec. 2011- Through private donations, we were able to purchase a Mac for every teacher on the island. 115 Macs- all 4 island schools! Jan 2012 BCBE voted unanimously to provide Macs to every GSHS student grades 9-12 in Fall 2012! April 2012 High School, Middle School and GSES Macs on order! Rosetta Stone on order!

14 GSES: Schools don’t teach children, PEOPLE DO! GSHS Academy Coordinator GSHS Technology Coordinator 8 th Grade Spanish Teacher 2 Additional AP Teachers Rosetta Stone Foreign Language Programs grades K-7 Moodle Rooms all grades Teachers getting additional certifications! Using Resources!

15 Mooresville, NC Digital Renaissance Training Apple Training Teachers Helping Teachers! FREE AND PRICELESS! Hoover Academy Visits

16 And People are Noticing! Other Baldwin County Schools Baldwin County Education Coalition Hoover City Schools AASB Presentation Sister School invitation- Brooklyn, NY Personal visit from Dr. Bice, State Superintendent (model for the State) Other Baldwin County Schools Baldwin County Education Coalition Hoover City Schools AASB Presentation Sister School invitation- Brooklyn, NY Personal visit from Dr. Bice, State Superintendent (model for the State)


18 The world is constantly changing! If we’re not changing with it, we’re falling behind! It’s necessary to reinvent ourselves from time to time! GPS??? iPod?? E-mail? CD?

19 Angie Swiger

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