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History of Atomic Structure Atoms: their parts & pieces.

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2 History of Atomic Structure Atoms: their parts & pieces

3 History of the atom The atom starts not with the ________ of the atom, but the ______ of the atom. More than ______ years ago, (around ____ BC) Greek philosophers ___________ and ____________ debated the nature of the universe. history idea 2000 Aristotle Democritus 400

4 History of the Atom Aristotle believed that all matter was made of ___ elements: ______, ____, ______ and _______. 4Earth AirFireWater Democritus believed that matter was made of small particles called ______ that cannot be ___________. atoms subdivided

5 Early Theories…

6 Who WON the Debate? Neither of them really did _____________. Democritus based his theory on ____________, Aristotle based his on __________. Neither of them really did _____________. observation philosophy __________ argued louder, so he won. Aristotle Democritus experiments

7 Who Was Right? Aristotle’s ideas carried through until the _____________. A branch of ‘science’ called _________ was introduced in Europe the 1200’s AD Alchemists tried to change ______ to ______. Middle Ages alchemy lead gold ____________was actually RIGHT!! Democritus

8 Alchemy

9 In 1661, a chemist named ________ _______ believed that all matter was made of simple substances called _________ that could not be ____________ or _____________. Robert Boyle elements decomposedbroken down Boyle’s theory was not _________ for more than ____ years, since he had no way to ______ his theory. accepted 100 prove

10 Father of Atomic Theory Modern atomic theory was developed in 1809 by an English scientist named _____ ________. His theories were based on ___________ and ____________. John Dalton observations experiments

11 Dalton’s Atomic Theory 1. _______ is made of small particles or ______. Matter atoms 2. Atoms cannot be ________ or _________. created destroyed 3. All atoms of an element are ________ and have the same _____. identical mass 4. Atoms of different elements have different _______. masses 5. ___________ are formed by combining different elements. Compounds

12 Dalton’s Atomic Theory

13 In _____, an English physicist named ______________ did experiments to determine the parts that make up the atom. 1897 J.J. Thomson He created a ________ ray tube: a _______ tube where all the ____ has been pumped out and a limited amount of other ______ is pumped in. cathode vacuumair gases Who’s Next?


15 Thomson’s Experiment Voltage source +- Metal Disks

16 n Passing an electric ________ makes a beam appear to move from the ________ to the ________ end Thomson’s Experiment Voltage source +- current negativepositive

17 Voltage source Thomson’s Experiment n By adding an electric field to the _______ of the tube, he discovered that the moving pieces were _________. + - outside negative

18 Thomson’s Model The negatively charged particles were _________ electrons plum pudding positive removed Said the atom was like ____________ A bunch of ________ stuff, with the electrons able to be ________.

19 Rutherford’s Experiment In _____, an English physicist named _________________ continued Thomson’s work. 1910 Ernest Rutherford He believed the plum pudding model was correct, and he wanted to discover the _____ of atoms. size Rutherford used thin __________ sheets and ___________ material. gold foil radioactive

20 Rutherford’s experiment The radioactive material released ______ particles, which connected with a fluorescent screen and caused it to _____. alpha glow This is what it looked like:

21 Lead block Uranium Gold Foil Fluorescent Screen

22 He Expected: The alpha particles to pass through without ________ _________ very much. changing direction positive evenly Because… The ________ charges were spread out _______, and were not enough to stop the positively-charged alpha particles.

23 What he expected

24 Because

25 Rutherford thought the mass was evenly distributed in the atom


27 What he got

28 How he explained it: + Atoms are mostly ______ ______. empty space There is a ______, _______, ________ piece at the center of the atom – called the ________. small densepositive nucleus Positive alpha particles are _________ by the nucleus if they get close enough… deflected Nucleus

29 +

30 The Bohr Model Our modern model of the atom comes from a Danish chemist named _____ _____, who developed it in _____. Niels Bohr _________ and _________ are located in the nucleus. Protons neutrons _________ are located in orbit around the nucleus. Electrons 1913

31 Modern View of the Atom There are _____ different types of particles that make up the atom. three

32 Make a TIMELINE! Using your notes, make a timeline of Atomic Events in History! Use the paper provided and the colored pencils! Make it creative, but ACCURATE! Include pictures, too!

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