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Biopoem A perfect way to let us know who you are.

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Presentation on theme: "Biopoem A perfect way to let us know who you are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biopoem A perfect way to let us know who you are

2 What is a biopoem Per line instructions: First name Son/daughter of Four words that describe you Lover of (3 ideas) Who feels (3 things/ideas) Who needs (3 things) Who gives (3 methods or things) Who would like to see (3 things) Resident of _________ Last name


4 Teachers Example Rochelle Wife to Brian; mother of Kylie & Anthony Witty, sarcastic, loyal, competitive Lover of good chocolate, good books, and board games Who feels homesick for mom, enraged at injustice, and excited over a new book Who needs lots of sleep, white chocolate mochas, and time with friends Who gives advice to friends, hugs to Kylie, clothes to Lions for Kids Who would like to see the sands of Hawaii, my mom more than twice a year, a winning lottery number! Resident of Bonney Lake, Washington ODonnell

5 Your Turn Go to website to create your own bio poem slide show. This one will be there - delete samples and change background 1 st is the bio poem written – no illustrations Slides 2-9 = take poem lines 2-8 and illustrated. SAVE to your H: drive as yourname.biopoem Then save in S:drive, my in-box, correct folder Due Monday, October 29, 2012 To be shared in class

6 Success Criteria 12 slide power point Illustrations fit the poem line (can be real photos inserted) Format followed per instructions Correct spelling and use of commas

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