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Environment: Chapter 25.2. Environmental Problems Sustainable Development –Using resources at a rate that does not deplete them for future generations.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment: Chapter 25.2. Environmental Problems Sustainable Development –Using resources at a rate that does not deplete them for future generations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment: Chapter 25.2

2 Environmental Problems Sustainable Development –Using resources at a rate that does not deplete them for future generations. Wildlife –Losing land to deforestation and irrigation; over hunting (illegal hunting = poaching!) –Reserves are being created, stricter laws, and financial incentives for cooperation Elephant orphanage in Sri Lanka Daddy & cub in park in India

3 Environmental Problems Water –80% of Indians have NO access to clean water Worse in Pak. & Bang.! –Some battle flooding while others face droughts  need for dams Narmada River debate: example of water management –25-year dilemma to build dam on Narmada River –Supporters: it’ll provide irrigation, hydroelectricity, water during drought –Opponents: villages would be flooded  relocation & forced to resettle elsewhere Ganges R. Portion of dam on Narmada R.

4 Dams: Pros & Cons Pros: –Balance extremes between drought- stricken areas and areas prone to flooding –Can control flooding, hold water in reserve in times of drought, use for irrigation –Can change the course of rivers (can go to areas where there is drought!) Cons: –Traps silt that would otherwise move downriver to enrich the soil @ delta –Can trap bacteria  disease –Building dams  flooding of surrounding areas  displacement of people and disturbing balance between wildlife & vegetation

5 Environmental Problems Forests –Causes of deforestation in S. Asia… Slash-and-burn ag., overgrazing, burning biomass—HEAVY RELIANCE on burning wood from trees –Effects: Destruction of mangroves in Bangladesh  loss of barrier against erosion from cyclone  no protection Soil erosion Increased flooding from monsoons Increasing temperatures –Chipko movement (70s): Teaches impt. of trees Provides seedlings for reforestation Pushes govn’t action **Meteorologists are trying to reduce effects of cyclones, not prevent them! (impossible)**

6 Environmental Problems Silt Erosion –Coastal areas/deltas face severe flooding  displace 2 billion tons of silt each year –People constantly moving homes –Using satellite imaging to find solution


8 Kashmir 12. What have India and Pakistan been disputing since 1947? –Area known as Kashmir (largely Muslim territory). 13. What happened in 1998 with respect to India and Pakistan? –Both India & Pakistan tested nuclear weapons (nuclear proliferation: spreading development of nuclear arms worldwide)

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