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21 st Century USDA Foods Laura Walter, MPH, RD Food and Nutrition Service Food Distribution Division December 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "21 st Century USDA Foods Laura Walter, MPH, RD Food and Nutrition Service Food Distribution Division December 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 21 st Century USDA Foods Laura Walter, MPH, RD Food and Nutrition Service Food Distribution Division December 2011

2 Agenda Choosing USDA Foods USDA Foods Communications Initiative USDA Foods updates

3 Why Choose USDA Foods? Stretch school food budgets Choice and convenience Healthy and tasty Offerings reflect demand

4 USDA Foods Improvements More Whole Grains Fewer Added Sugars Less Sodium Less Fat Leaner Meats

5 Reducing Fat, Sugar & Sodium… Eliminated trans fats in frozen potatoes and peanut butter Reduced sugars in canned fruits Lowered sodium in canned vegetables Lowered fat and sodium in processed cheeses, meats, poultry USDA Foods Improvements

6 More Whole Grains – Whole wheat flour – Tortillas – Pancakes – Pastas – Rolled Oats – Brown Rice (regular and par-boiled) – Dry Kernel Corn for further processing More fruits and vegetables – Fresh sliced apples, baby carrots USDA Foods Improvements

7 Despite the many improvements, there are still misperceptions about USDA Foods and the NSLP. USDA is taking action to educate the public about USDA Foods and the NSLP and replace fiction with fact. USDA Foods Communications Initiative

8 BeyondChron: San Francisco Alternative Online Daily Alternative Online Daily: “Commodities (are) low quality or high in fat.” School Lunches: Helping Kids Eat Commodities “… it's no surprise that the USDA's allegiance to corporate interests wins out over its duty to America's children.” Editorial “…the Agriculture Department buys surpluses of unhealthful meat and funnels it through federal food programs to our nation's most unsuspecting consumers -- schoolchildren.” “The long list of (commodity)options includes high-fat, low-grade meats and cheeses and processed foods…” Atlanta Journal - Constitution “The government (is) feeding our kids the meat industry's leftovers.”

9 USDA Foods: Changing perceptions Over 180 Healthy Choices 100% American Grown Food safety standards are set high Account for 15-20% of school food purchases Request-driven: School districts are not required to accept foods they don’t want

10 USDA Foods Communications Initiative

11 Target Audiences Year 1 Focus Groups Benchmark Survey Message development “Rebranding” – new LOGO! Materials and outreach USDA Foods Communications Initiative

12 Benchmark Survey: 471 Child Nutrition Professionals USDA Foods Communications Initiative More than 75% believe the foods served through school meal programs are nutritious, tasty, healthy, wholesome, convenient, low-fat and provide a variety of quality foods at good value. Less than 50% agree that the food served in the meal programs is low-sodium. Majority agree that USDA Foods help stretch tight budgets and offers one way to stretch limited meal budgets for the 94% of schools participating in the NSLP. Most indicate they are willing to take action to promote the USDA Foods program through communications and events.

13 This survey helped USDA establish a baseline to evaluate progress USDA Foods Communications Initiative The Tangibles to Increase Awareness of the USDA Foods program…

14 USDA Foods Communications Initiative Campaign schematic outlining purpose, goals, and tactics through the initiative Partnership plan highlighting potential partners and activities with those partners Editorials bylined by Janey Thornton Completed in 2011

15 USDA Foods Communications Initiative 6 new banners – artwork available Ad in SNA Magazine and online button linked SNA Web site to FDD Web site FDD Web site audit Shift from “commodities” to “USDA Foods” Completed in 2011

16 USDA Foods Communications Initiative New materials in the USDA Foods Toolkit: o Style guide outlining appropriate use of USDA Foods program identifier o Two PowerPoint's – one for school administrators and one overview of the USDA Foods program (with talking points) o USDA Foods video – 5 minute program o Two-page fact sheet o SNA ANC culinary demo recipes featuring USDA Foods Completed in 2011

17 USDA Foods Communications Initiative New Artwork and Ads

18 USDA Foods Communications Initiative

19 USDA Foods Communications Initiative


21 USDA Foods Communications Initiative Clickable button on the site


23 USDA Foods Communications Initiative Year 1 Lessons Learned Child Nutrition Professionals are ourambassadors for the program! Materials are in demand FDD depends on external partners to share new resources FDD needs visual images to create new resources and provide more frequent contact with partners

24 USDA Foods Communications Initiative

25 USDA Foods Communications Initiative Focus for 2012 CNP tracking survey (with SNA members) to evaluate “how far we’ve come” Parent benchmark survey (similar to 1 st benchmark survey with CNPs) Photo shoot – 15 photos will be shot for FDD purposes – ½ cafeteria/school setting; ½ studio shots

26 USDA Foods Communications Initiative Focus for 2012 Conference poster and cafeteria posters Advertising plan and earned media targeting parents USDA Foods mobile site with up to 10 mobile site pages

27 Develop model specifications for food offered in CN Programs Analyze quality of nutritional info. available on food service products and USDA Foods and report to Congress Purchase the widest variety of healthful USDA Foods Other Updates Section 242 of Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act requires the Secretary to:

28 Other Updates School Year 2012 – Per meal rate =.2225 – Estimated $1.3 billion total nationally $80 million allocated for DoD Fresh Challenges – high prices, limited supply, delays turkey, tuna, some F/V, peanut products Making progress – fresh sliced apples and baby carrots exploring new products – frozen broccoli, white whole wheat flour ordering timeframes for SY 13


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