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Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Emily Huesken 1st Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Emily Huesken 1st Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Emily Huesken 1st Grade

2 Contact Information  Mrs. Emily Huesken  800 East High Street Elizabethtown PA 17022  Phone: (717) 361-0099 

3 Student Expectations  Code of Conduct-I am respectful, responsible, helpful and safe.  7 Habits of Happy Kids  Homework-Weekly Lightning Words, Math paper and Book It  Come prepared- Yellow folder and pencil  Please look over all papers sent home.

4 Discipline Procedures Chart System Children will begin the day all on the same part of the chart indicating that they are ready to learn. As the day progresses, students will move up or down the chart based on their choices. Negative consequences will include a warning, time out, and loss of privileges. Positive movement on the chart will be rewarded as well.

5 Good behavior  Bully Buster Bears  Punch Card Prizes  Notes Home

6 Field Trip  In the spring we will take our field trip to The Zoo.  Younger siblings may not ride on the bus and chaperones will need to supervise other children in addition to their own.  Due to limited spots on the bus and cost of the trip, only a few chaperones will be picked. If you would like to attend the trip, but were not picked to be on the bus with admission paid, you will need to provide your own transportation and admission.

7 Parent Expectations  Homework procedures  Conference in November. Email, telephone, write a note, or see me if dates/times of conference do not fit your schedule.  Attendance-absentee slips available online

8 Parent Expectations Cont ’ d  Lunch Money  Materials may be requested (food, drinks, supplies) to be sent in for special events. Thank you for helping!

9 Teacher Expectations  Provide a safe, caring, and nurturing learning environment.  Make learning meaningful to the students  Provide instruction for your child through small groups and cooperative learning activities  Communicate with parents about events in the classroom.

10 Supplies  Students are expected to bring back packs to school each day.  Crayons, erasers, glue, and folders are supplied by the school.  Students are welcome to have a small water bottle.  Additional supplies that we may need include:

11 Supplies Cont ’ d  Games, soft tissues, old magazines, craft supplies, glitter, cleaning wipes, plain band-aids, zip lock bags, stickers, cool pencils, postcards, stationary, googlie eyes or anything fun to write on.

12 Daily Routine  Unpack, select lunch, complete morning work, attendance, pledge of allegiance, code of conduct, announcements. Review work.  Clincs  Flexible Grouping  Communication Arts- skill work, reading, writing, comprehension strategies  Writing

13 Daily Routine cont ’ d Read A Loud Lunch Math Content Recess Specials Dismissal

14 Specials 2:30-3:15  Gym-Mrs. Derisio  Art- Mrs. Brubaker  Music- Mr. Norris  Computer-Mrs. Painter  Library- Mrs. Diodato  CUBS-Mrs. Flemming

15 Science topics: Organisms Earth ’ s Land and Water Matter Keeping Fit and Healthy

16 Social Studies topics: Introduction to Maps and Globes Wants and Needs Rights and Responsibilities Famous Americans and Holidays Patriotic Symbols

17 Special Events/Highlights  Grandparents Day  Domino Rodeo  Polar Express  Read Across America  Money Day  Hero Day  Field Trip-Zoo America  Field Day

18 Other Important Information  Please discuss with your child where you will be meeting him/her after school. Walkers are to go to the front doors. Car riders will be going to the side doors (closest to the High School)  Please write a note if there is a change in your child ’ s transportation or if they will be picked up early for appointments.

19 Birthdays  Birthdays-We have 19 students in our class. If sending in a treat, please make sure to send enough for everyone!  Please do not send in birthday invitations if everyone in the class is not invited.

20  Absences/Tardies- Please send a note indicating the reason for the absence. I will give all notes to the office to be recorded on file. If you plan on taking an “ educational vacation ”, you must fill out an educational field trip form in the office.  School Nurse Information-please make her/ myself aware of any allergies or medications.  Dress Code: sneakers preferred for daily recess and required on Gym day.

21 Let ’ s work together to have a great school year!

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