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Sequim School District Wellness Policy Presentation May 18, 2015.

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1 Sequim School District Wellness Policy Presentation May 18, 2015

2 Presentation prepared: Sonja Bitter – District School Nurse BSN, RN Kerry Wyman-Webb – RN Bertha Cooper – Community Volunteer Planner


4 Why is a school Wellness Program necessary? “For the first time in 200 years, today’s children are likely to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.” Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act 2010- “…..mandated that schools simply develop a wellness policy.”

5 Why at school? OSPI Child Nutrition Services states:  “Schools play a particularly critical role by establishing a safe and supportive environment with policies and practices that support healthy behaviors. Schools also provide opportunities for students to learn about and practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors.”  Action for Healthy for Health Kids made the statement; “Our goal is to create school communities where children learn how to make healthy choices from the minute they walk in the front door to the minute they leave at the end of the school day.”

6 SSD Mission Statement: On behalf of the Sequim Community, the School District shall inspire and achieve excellence in the academic, creative, and physical potential of each student.

7  “Actions taken in childhood have major impacts on adult status and behavior. Not only are obese children likely to grow up to obese adults, but also eating and exercise habits established during childhood will importantly shape eating and exercise in adulthood.”


9 The Task Force  Develop a Wellness Program  Members: Staff, Parents, Students, Community Members  Meet six times between Nov. 2015 and March 2016  Feasible (cost effective)  Sustainable (simple, straight forward)  Recognizable and progressive though out K-12 years

10 5-Year Goals: Involvement of students in implementation.

11 5-Year Goals: Positive child-friendly approaches that empowers children to adopt heathy behaviors.

12 5-Year Goals: Promotional themes that are easily adapted to age appropriate education and advertising healthy behaviors throughout the campus.

13 5-Year Goals: Specific policies and/or guidelines such as guidelines for foods brought into school by parents for student consumption, addressing healthy foods and safe foods for students with life threatening allergies.



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